sheets Schema Description

Documentation Updated: 2023-12-04


A discipline definition in a container
1bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
2bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
3container_typestringType of the contain to which this tag belongs
4indexnumberDiscipline index
5namestringDiscipline name
6designatorstringShort charcators as a discipline designator


Object to define sheets collection with a unique name
1idstring: UUIDUnique id for the sheet_history
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4container_typestringTyp of the contain to which the sheet_history belongs
5namestringName of the sheet_history


Object to define a milestone with name and time
1idstring: UUIDUnique id for the version_set
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4container_typestringTyp of the contain to which the version set belongs
5namestringName of the version_set
6issuance_datetimestamp: SQLIssuance time of the version_set
7created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time of the version_set
8created_bystringId of user who create the version_set
9created_by_namestringName of user who create the version_set
10updated_attimestamp: SQLUpdate time of the version_set
11updated_bystringId of user who update the version_set
12updated_by_namestringName of user who update the version_set


Bubble resources of a sheet
1bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
2bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
3container_typestringTyp of the contain to which this bubble object belongs
4sheet_idstring: UUIDId of a sheet
5urnstringUrn of the bubble related to the sheet
6viewable_guidstringId to identify the given resource in the bubble related to the sheet
7paper_widthnumberPhysical paper height of the sheet
8paper_heightnumberPhysical paper height of the sheet
9viewable_ordernumberPage number in the bubble related to the sheet
10pug_urnstringUrn of the viewable pug object for the sheet
11pug_widthnumberWidth of the viewable pug object for the sheet
12pug_heightnumberHeight of the viewable pug object for the sheet
13large_thumbnail_widthnumberWidth of the large thumbnaill for the sheet
14large_thumbnail_heightnumberHeight of the large thumbnaill for the sheet
15small_thumbnail_widthnumberWidth of the small thumbnaill for the sheet
16small_thumbnail_heightnumberHeight of the small thumbnaill for the sheet
17storage_urnstringThe storage urn of the pdf page for the sheet
18storage_sizenumberStorage size of the sheet
19viewable_urnstringUrn of the viewable leaflet object for the sheet
20viewable_widthnumberWidth of the viewable leaflet object for the sheet
21viewable_heightnumberHeight of the viewable leaflet object for the sheet


Text label on a sheet
1bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
2bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
3container_typestringTyp of the contain to which this tag belongs
4sheet_idstring: UUIDId of a sheet
5valuestringText value of a tag


Object created from a single pdf page with name and version set
1idstring: UUIDUnique id for the sheet
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4container_typestringTyp of the contain to which the sheet belongs
5namestringName of the sheet
6nat_sort_namestringName variety based on natural sorting
7history_idstring: UUIDId for the history the sheet belongs to
8version_set_idstring: UUIDId for the version set the sheet belongs to
9created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time of the sheet
10created_bystringId of user who create the sheet
11created_by_namestringName of user who create the sheet
12updated_attimestamp: SQLUpdate time of the sheet
13updated_bystringId of user who update the sheet
14updated_by_namestringName of user who update the sheet
15titlestringDescription for the sheet
16upload_file_namestringThe name of the upload file, from which the sheet created
17upload_idstring: UUIDThe id of the upload command that creates the sheet
18processing_statestringThe processing state of the sheet
19is_currentbooleanIndicate whether this is the current version among sheets with same name
20discipline_indexnumberIndex of the relevant discipline
21deletedbooleanWhether this is a deleted sheet
22deleted_attimestamp: SQLDeletion time of the sheet
23deleted_bystringId of user who delete the sheet
24deleted_by_namestringName of user who delete the sheet
25original_set_namestringSnapshot of the set name when the sheet is deleted