meetingminutes Schema Description
Documentation Updated: 2023-12-04assignees
Item Assignmentsordinal_position | column_name | data_type | constraints | notes |
1 | id | string: UUID | id | |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
4 | item_id | string: UUID | Item id which this assignment refer to Foreign Key: Table: items Column: id | |
5 | participant_id | string: UUID | Assigned participant id Foreign Key: Table: participants Column: id | |
6 | non_member_participant_id | string: UUID | Assigned non-membmer-participant id Foreign Key: Table: non_member_participants Column: id | |
7 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | Creation time | |
8 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | Update time | |
9 | deleted_at | timestamp: SQL | Deletion time |
BIM 360 only - Meeting/item Attachmentsordinal_position | column_name | data_type | constraints | notes |
1 | id | string: UUID | id | |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
4 | item_id | string: UUID | Item id Foreign Key: Table: items Column: id | |
5 | meeting_id | string: UUID | meeting id Foreign Key: Table: meetings Column: id | |
6 | uri | string | uri of the attachment | |
7 | origin | enum: string | Possible Values:
| origin of the attachent (docs, photos, google photos, etc..) |
8 | name | string | attachment's name | |
9 | created_by | string | user id which created this resource | |
10 | updated_by | string | user id which last updated this resource | |
11 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | Creation time | |
12 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | Update time | |
13 | deleted_at | timestamp: SQL | Deletion time |
Meeting itemsordinal_position | column_name | data_type | constraints | notes |
1 | id | string: UUID | id | |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
4 | topic_id | string: UUID | topic id Foreign Key: Table: topics Column: id | |
5 | order_index | number | order index of the item in its topic | |
6 | description | string | Item's content | |
7 | status | enum: string | Possible Values:
| item's status |
8 | cross_series_id | string: UUID | item's series id, all followup items have same series id | |
9 | due_date | timestamp: SQL | item's due date | |
10 | created_by | string | user id which created this resource | |
11 | updated_by | string | user id which last updated this resource | |
12 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | Creation time | |
13 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | Update time | |
14 | deleted_at | timestamp: SQL | Deletion time |
Meetingsordinal_position | column_name | data_type | constraints | notes |
1 | id | string: UUID | id | |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
4 | series_id | string: UUID | meeting's series id, all followup meetings have same series id | |
5 | title | string | meeting's title | |
6 | description | string | meeting's description/agenda | |
7 | summary | string | meeting's summary | |
8 | status | enum: string | Possible Values:
| meeting's status |
9 | num_in_series | number | meeting's index in the series | |
10 | meeting_location | string | meetings location, free text | |
11 | starts_at | timestamp: SQL | meeting's beginning time | |
12 | duration | number | meeting's duration | |
13 | video_conference_link | string | link for the video conference | |
14 | created_by | string | user id which created this resource | |
15 | updated_by | string | user id which last updated this resource | |
16 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | Creation time | |
17 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | Update time | |
18 | deleted_at | timestamp: SQL | Deletion time |
Meeting non-membmer-participants - participants that doen't have oxygen idordinal_position | column_name | data_type | constraints | notes |
1 | id | string: UUID | id | |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
4 | meeting_id | string: UUID | multi-column unquie | meeting id Foreign Key: Table: meetings Column: id |
5 | first_name | string | participant's first name | |
6 | last_name | string | participant's last name | |
7 | company | string | participant's company name | |
8 | string | participant's email | ||
9 | status | enum: string | Possible Values:
| participant's status |
10 | created_by | string | user id which created this resource | |
11 | updated_by | string | user id which last updated this resource | |
12 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | Creation time | |
13 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | Update time | |
14 | deleted_at | timestamp: SQL | Deletion time |
Meeting participantsordinal_position | column_name | data_type | constraints | notes |
1 | id | string: UUID | id | |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
4 | meeting_id | string: UUID | meeting id Foreign Key: Table: meetings Column: id | |
5 | autodesk_id | string | user autodesk(oxygen) id | |
6 | type | enum: string | Possible Values:
| indicate if user is meeitng's organizer or invitee |
7 | status | enum: string | Possible Values:
| participant's status |
8 | created_by | string | user id which created this resource | |
9 | updated_by | string | user id which last updated this resource | |
10 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | Creation time | |
11 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | Update time | |
12 | deleted_at | timestamp: SQL | Deletion time |
Meeting topicsordinal_position | column_name | data_type | constraints | notes |
1 | id | string: UUID | id | |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | Added for account scoping of Assets data | |
4 | meeting_id | string: UUID | meeting id Foreign Key: Table: meetings Column: id | |
5 | order_index | number | order index of the item in its meeting | |
6 | name | string | topic's title/description | |
7 | created_by | string | user id which created this resource | |
8 | updated_by | string | user id which last updated this resource | |
9 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | Creation time | |
10 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | Update time | |
11 | deleted_at | timestamp: SQL | Deletion time |