checklists Schema Description

Documentation Updated: 2024-04-15


The assignees for checklists in BIM 360.
1instance_idnumberID of the Checklist
Foreign Key:
Table: checklists
Column: id
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4idnumberserial id
5assignee_idstringAutodesk ID of the assignee.
6namestringName of the assignee
7assignee_typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • User
  • Company
  • Role
Name of the entity assigned to the checklist.
8created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
9updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.
10deleted_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was deleted.
11is_previous_assigneebooleantrue if a user was an assignee and removed.


Attachments to checklist items
1idstring: UUIDID of the attachment
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4lineage_urnstringasdk urn at which attachment is uploaded
5versionnumberVersion of the attachment.
6instance_idnumberID of the Checklist.


Attachments to checklist items
1idstring: UUIDID of the Item Document Attachment
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4lineage_urnstringasdk urn at which attachment is uploaded
5item_idnumberID of the Checklist item
6section_idnumberID of the Checklist section
7instance_idnumberID of the Checklist.


The Checklist items
1idnumberID of the Checklist item
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
5updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.
6instance_section_idnumberID of the Checklist
Foreign Key:
Table: checklist_sections
Column: id
7template_item_idnumberthe template item id
8modified_bystringThe oxygen Id of the last user that modified the item
9is_requiredbooleanIs the answer required for this question
10notestringa note of the item
11titlestringthe title of the item
12answersstringAnswers of the item (can be a UUID FOREIGN KEY for answer_type=6)
13instance_idnumberID of the Checklist
Foreign Key:
Table: checklists
Column: id
14answer_typenumberType of answer specified for this checklist item. answer_type = 6 means the answers column contains a UUID that is a FOREIGN KEY (id) into the checklist_items_answers table
15answers_v2stringAnswers of the checklist item (with normalized formatting across answer types, e.g.: without UUID FOREIGN KEY for answer_type=6)


Possible Template Item Answers.
1idstring: UUIDID of the answer.
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4answerstringAnswer for the checklist item
5item_version_idnumberIdentifier for item version. if not given the lastest version is selected of the item.


The assignees for checklists in BIM 360.
1idnumberID of the Checklist Section Assignees
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4instance_idnumberID of the Checklist
Foreign Key:
Table: checklists
Column: id
5instance_section_idnumberID of the Checklist
Foreign Key:
Table: checklist_sections
Column: id
6id2numberSecond ID of the Checklist Section Assignees
7assignee_idstringAutodesk ID of the assignee.
8assignee_typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • User
  • Company
  • Role
Name of the entity assigned to the checklist.
9created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
10updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.
11deleted_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was deleted.
12is_previous_section_assigneebooleantrue if a user was an assignee and removed.


The Checklist Sections
1idnumberID of the Checklist section
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.
5updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
6instance_idnumberID of the Checklist
Foreign Key:
Table: checklists
Column: id
7template_section_idnumberID of the section template
Foreign Key:
Table: template_sections
Column: id
8modified_bystringThe oxygen Id of the last user that modified the item
9statusstringStatus of the checklist section


Information about BIM 360 Field Management checklists section signatures
1idstring: UUIDID of signature
2instance_section_idnumberchecklist section number
3instance_idnumberID of checklist
4required_bystringRequired by
5is_requiredbooleanIs signature required
6instructionsstringInstructions for signature
7signed_namestringName for signature
8signed_companystringCompany for signature
9submitted_bystringOxygenId of user who submitted the signature
10signed_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when resource was signed
11created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when resource was created
12deleted_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when resource was deleted
13urnstringUrn of resource
14oss_urnstringOss urn of resource
15upload_statusenum: stringPossible Values:
  • Not Completed
  • Completed
Upload status of signature
16bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
17bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.


The signatures of a template
1idstring: UUIDThe ID of the signature
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4instance_idnumberThe ID of the checklist
5required_bystringThe name of the person/role that supposed to sign
6is_requiredbooleanWeather the signature is required to be signed in order to complete the checklist or not
7defined_atenum: stringTemplates/ChecklistWhere the signature is defined
8required_namestringThe name of the person that supposed to sign
9required_companystringThe company of the person that supposed to sign
10signed_namestringThe name of the signed person
11signed_companystringThe company of the signed person
12submitted_bystringThe oxygen Id of the user that signed
13signed_attimestamp: SQLThe date of the signing
14created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.
15updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
16deleted_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was deleted.
17typeenum: stringSVG/AttachmentThe type of the signature file
18is_signedbooleanWeather the required signature signed or not


Information about all the BIM 360 Field Management checklists in a project, including details about their statuses, priorities, and assignees.
1idnumberThe unique identifier of the checklist
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4scheduled_datetimestamp: SQLScheduled date in ISO8601 format
5locationstringLocation for the checklist activity
6titlestringName of the checklist.
7template_idnumberID of the Template
8template_version_idnumberVersion ID of the template associated with the checklist. Every time you update a template it updates the version ID.
9created_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who created the checklist.
10modified_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who last modified the checklist.
11updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated in ISO8601 format.
12created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last created in ISO8601 format.
13deleted_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was deleted - used for offline mobile DB management in ISO8601 format.
14instructionsstringDescription of the template.
15template_typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • Quality
  • Punch List
  • Safety
  • Commissioning
Template Type Name
16statusenum: stringPossible Values:
  • Not Scheduled
  • Scheduled
  • In Progress
  • Completed
  • Signed Of
  • Pending Signature
  • Not Started
Status Name for the checlist
17progressnumberPercentage of completed checklist items; calculated using
18completed_items_countnumberNumber of completed checklist items.
19items_countnumberNumber of checklist items.
20sections_countnumberNumber of checklist sections.
21created_by_companystringoxygenId of the company
22required_signatures_countnumbertotal number of signatures
23unsigned_signatures_countnumbertotal number of unssignatures
24allow_section_assigneebooleantrue if a user can be assigned to the a checklist sections.
false if a user cannot be assigned to the a checklist sections.
25checklist_idnumberSequential id in which checklist is created in the project.
26completed_ontimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was completed in ISO8601 format.
27started_ontimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource status changed from Not Started to In Progress in ISO8601 format.
28is_archivedbooleantrue if resource is archived.
29archived_ontimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last archived/unarchived in ISO8601 format.
30archived_bystringoxygenId of the last user that archived/unarchived the checklist.


The item instructions for BIM 360 Field Management checklists.
1template_idnumberID of the Template
Foreign Key:
Table: templates
Column: id
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4template_version_idnumberVersion ID of the template. Every time you update a template it updates the version ID.
Foreign Key:
Table: templates
Column: id
5section_idnumberID of the Template Section
Foreign Key:
Table: template_sections
Column: id
6item_idnumberID of the Template Item
Foreign Key:
Table: template_items
Column: id
7item_version_idnumberIdentifier for item version. if not given the lastest version is selected of the item.
8idnumberID of the description of the instruction.
9instructions_typestringThe instructions type
10datastringDescription of the item.
11updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
12created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.


The items for BIM 360 Field Management checklists.
1template_version_idnumberVersion ID of the template. Every time you update a template it updates the version ID.
Foreign Key:
Table: templates
Column: id
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4template_idnumberID of the Template
5template_section_idnumberID of the Template Section
Foreign Key:
Table: template_sections
Column: id
6item_idnumberThe ID of the item
7item_version_idnumberIdentifier for item version. if not given the lastest version is selected of the item.
8numbernumberItem number according to the order the item was created in the template.
9indexnumberOrder the items appear in the UI.
10is_requiredbooleantrue - it is required to answer this question, false - it is optional to answer this question.Is the answer required for this question
11titlestringTitle of the item
12section_idnumberID of the section.
Foreign Key:
Table: sections
Column: id
13updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
14created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.
15response_typestringThe response type name
16possible_answersstringcomma separated list of answersThe possible answers of the item


1template_version_idnumberVersion ID of the template. Every time you update a template it updates the version ID.
Foreign Key:
Table: templates
Column: id
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4template_idnumberID of the Template
5template_section_idnumberID of the Template Section
Foreign Key:
Table: template_sections
Column: id
6item_idnumberThe ID of the item
7item_version_idnumberIdentifier for item version. if not given the lastest version is selected of the item.
8numbernumberItem number according to the order the item was created in the template.
9indexnumberOrder the items appear in the UI.
10is_requiredbooleantrue - it is required to answer this question, false - it is optional to answer this question.Is the answer required for this question
11titlestringTitle of the item
12section_idnumberID of the section.
Foreign Key:
Table: sections
Column: id
13updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
14created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.
15response_typestringThe response type name
16possible_answersstringcomma separated list of answersThe possible answers of the item


Possible Template Item Answers
1bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
2bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of checklist data
3list_response_idstring: UUIDID of the type of answer.
4possible_answersstringThe possible answers of the item


The section information for BIM 360 Field Management checklists.
1idnumberID of the section.
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4template_idnumberID of the Template
5template_version_idnumberVersion ID of the template. Every time you update a template it updates the version ID.
Foreign Key:
Table: templates
Column: id
6titlestringName of the section.
7numbernumberSection number according to the order the section was created in the template. The number is displayed in the format that is defined in
8indexnumberNumber of the section according to the order that it appears in the UI.
9instructionsstringDescription of the section.
10updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
11created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.


1idnumberID of the section.
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4template_idnumberID of the Template
5template_version_idnumberVersion ID of the template. Every time you update a template it updates the version ID.
Foreign Key:
Table: templates
Column: id
6titlestringName of the section.
7numbernumberSection number according to the order the section was created in the template. The number is displayed in the format that is defined in
8indexnumberNumber of the section according to the order that it appears in the UI.
9instructionsstringDescription of the section.
10updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
11created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.


The signatures of a template
1idstring: UUIDid of the template signatures
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4template_version_idnumberTemplate signature version ID
5template_idnumberTemplate signature ID
6required_bystringWho is required to sign
7is_requiredbooleanIs the template signature required
8updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
9created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.


1idstring: UUIDID of the signature
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4template_version_idnumberTemplate version ID for the signature
5template_idnumberTemplate ID for the signature
6required_bystringRequired by
7is_requiredbooleanIs the signature required for this question
8updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
9created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.


Information about a specific BIM 360 Field Management templates, including details about the items, sections, and attachments in the template.
1template_idnumberID of the template
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4titlestringName of the template.
5template_version_idnumberVersion ID of the template. Every time you update a template it updates the version ID.
6created_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who created the template.
7updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
8created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.
9instructionsstringDescription of the template.
10template_typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • Quality
  • Punch List
  • Safety
  • Commissioning
Name for the template type
11allow_section_assigneebooleantrue if you can add a section assignee to the template.
false if you cannot add a section assignee to the template.
12items_countnumberNumber of items
13sections_countnumberNumber of sections
14modified_bystringoxygenId of the last user that updated the checklist
15version_numbernumberVersion Number for the template
16share_statusenum: stringPossible Values:
  • active
  • detached
  • deleted
Status of account level template in project. Possible values are active/detached/deleted.
17deleted_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was deleted.


Information about BIM 360 Field Management templates (all versions), including details about the items, sections, and attachments in the template.
1template_idnumberID of the template
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4titlestringName of the template.
5template_version_idnumberVersion ID of the template. Every time you update a template it updates the version ID.
6created_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who created the template.
7updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated.
8created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was created.
9instructionsstringDescription of the template.
10template_typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • Quality
  • Punch List
  • Safety
  • Commissioning
Name for the template type
11allow_section_assigneebooleantrue if you can add a section assignee to the template.
false if you cannot add a section assignee to the template.
12items_countnumberNumber of items
13sections_countnumberNumber of sections
14modified_bystringoxygenId of the last user that updated the checklist
15version_numbernumberVersion Number for the template
16share_statusenum: stringPossible Values:
  • active
  • detached
  • deleted
Status of account level template in project. Possible values are active/detached/deleted.
17deleted_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was deleted.