assets Schema Description

Documentation Updated: 2024-07-23


The value of a Custom Attribute for a given Asset
1asset_idstring: UUIDIdentifier of the Asset this value is for
Foreign Key:
Table: assets
Column: id
2custom_attribute_idstring: UUIDIdentifier of the Custom Attribute that defines the context of this value
Foreign Key:
Table: custom_attributes
Column: id
3value_booleanbooleanNullableThe value of the Custom Attribute for 'boolean' Custom Attribute data_types. One, and only one, of value_boolean or value_string will be populated.
4value_stringstring: nullThe value of the Custom Attribute for 'text', 'numeric', 'date', 'select' and 'multi_select' Custom Attribute data_types. One, and only one, of value_boolean or value_string will be populated.

For 'numeric' data_types, the value will be a string that parses to a floating point number, e.g. "46.2"

For 'date' data_types, the value will be an ISO8601 date string with no time, e.g. "2020-04-10"

For 'select' and 'multi_select` data_types, the value will be a FOREIGN_KEY: custom_attribute_selection_values,id. The custom_attribute_selection_values,id key will be one of the custom_attribute_selection_values for the Custom Attribute described by custom_attribute_id.

Note: 'multi_select' data_types can have more than one value per Asset. All other types have a maximum of a single value per Asset.
5bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
6bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data


Record of syncing a model object to an asset
1idstring: UUIDInternal Identifier
2versionnumberSequential version. Incremented each time the item is modified in any way.
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
5asset_idstring: UUIDThe ID of the Asset the model object has been synced to
Foreign Key:
Table: assets
Column: id
6model_lineage_urnstringThe URN of the model file's versioned lineage
7model_object_guidstringA globally unique identifier for a model object set by ACS Assets service
8model_external_idstringAn ID for externally identifying a model object that comes directly from the model file. This is ofen a GUID (e.g. for Revit files), but not always.
9synced_model_version_urnstringThe versioned URN of the model file's lineage that was actually synced to the Asset
10synced_model_version_numbernumberThe version of the URN of the model file's lineage that was actually synced to the Asset
11model_svf2_idnumberAn integer ID commonly used internally in model files that is stable across versions of the model file
12model_lmv_idnumberAn integer ID commonly used internally in model files for older file types that do not support SVF2
13created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time
14created_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the create actor
15updated_attimestamp: SQLMost recent update time
16updated_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the most recent update actor
17deleted_attimestamp: SQLNullableDeletion time. If deleted_at === null, the entity is considered active.
18deleted_bystring: nullUser (Oxygen) ID of the delete actor


Permission Definitions for V3 Permissions API
1idstring: UUIDInternal Identifier
2versionnumberSequential version. Incremented each time the item is modified in any way.
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
5permission_policy_typeenum: stringview, edit, create, create_only, manage, inherited_permissionsThe type of the permission assigned to the subject and resource
6subject_typeenum: stringuser, company, role, project_adminsIndicates the type of the subject to which the permission applies
7subject_oxygen_idstringThe Oxygen ID of the user or user group to which the permission applies
8subject_acs_admin_idstring: UUIDThe UUID identifier of a user or user group, as defined in the ACC Admin APIs, to which the permission applies
9resource_typeenum: stringproject, category, system_categoryThe type of the resource associated with a permission
10resource_idstring: UUIDThe identifier of the resource to which this permission is assigned
11effectenum: stringallow, denyThe effect of the permission
12created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time
13created_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the create actor
14updated_attimestamp: SQLMost recent update time
15updated_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the most recent update actor
16deleted_attimestamp: SQLNullableDeletion time. If deleted_at === null, the entity is considered active.
17deleted_bystring: nullUser (Oxygen) ID of the delete actor


Asset Stage Definitions
1idstring: UUIDInternal Identifier
2versionnumberSequential version. Incremented each time the item is modified in any way.
3asset_idstring: UUIDThe ID of the Asset this Asset Stage belongs to
Foreign Key:
Table: assets
Column: id
4bound_typeenum: stringasset_statusThe type of joined object this stage belongs to
5bound_idstring: UUIDThe joined object this stage belongs to
6completed_worknumberThe completed amount of work
7max_worknumberThe total amount of work to be completed
8unit_of_workenum: stringSF, LF, SM, LM, N/AThe unit of work
9started_attimestamp: SQLStart time
10started_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the start actor
11completed_attimestamp: SQLCompletion time
12completed_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the complete actor
13completion_statusenum: stringin_progress, completed, skippedCompletion status of the asset stages
14is_currentbooleanWhether this stage is the current
15category_idstring: UUIDThe category id of the stage
Foreign Key:
Table: categories
Column: id
16location_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 Locations ID of the Location of this Asset Stage
17created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time
18created_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the create actor
19updated_attimestamp: SQLMost recent update time
20updated_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the most recent update actor
21deleted_attimestamp: SQLNullableDeletion time. If deleted_at === null, the entity is considered active.
22deleted_bystring: nullUser (Oxygen) ID of the delete actor
23bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
24bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data


Statuses available for Assets
1idstring: UUIDInternal Identifier
2versionnumberSequential version. Incremented each time the item is modified in any way.
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
5labelstringMax length: 100Displayable name
6descriptionstring: nullMax length: 500Description of the asset status
7status_set_idstring: UUIDIdentifier of the Status Set the Asset Status is assigned to
Foreign Key:
Table: status_sets
Column: id
8created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time
9created_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the create actor
10updated_attimestamp: SQLMost recent update time
11updated_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the most recent update actor
12deleted_attimestamp: SQLNullableDeletion time. If deleted_at === null, the entity is considered active.
13deleted_bystring: nullUser (Oxygen) ID of the delete actor
14sort_ordernumberSort order of the Asset Status within the Status Set


A Physical Asset
1idstring: UUIDInternal Identifier
2versionnumberSequential version. Incremented each time the item is modified in any way.
3client_asset_idstringMax length: 100Client generated Identifier
4descriptionstring: nullMax length: 1000Description of the asset
5category_idstringIdentifier of the Category this Asset is assigned to
Foreign Key:
Table: categories
Column: id
6status_idstring: UUIDIdentifier of the Assets Status this Asset is assigned to
Foreign Key:
Table: asset_statuses
Column: id
7location_idstring: UUIDNullableBIM 360 Locations ID or the Location this Asset is assigned
8company_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Company Identifier
9barcodestring: nullMax length: 100Barcode for the asset
10created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time
11created_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the create actor
12updated_attimestamp: SQLMost recent update time
13updated_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the most recent update actor
14deleted_attimestamp: SQLNullableDeletion time. If deleted_at === null, the entity is considered active.
15deleted_bystring: nullUser (Oxygen) ID of the delete actor
16bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
17bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data


Hierarchical Tree for Categorizing Systems and Assets
1idstringInternal Identifier (Legacy)
2versionnumberSequential version. Incremented each time the item is modified in any way.
3namestringMax length: 100Displayable name
4descriptionstring: nullMax length: 1000Description of the category
5parent_idstringNullableIdentifier (Legacy) of the Parent Category. If not present, Category is ROOT.
Foreign Key:
Table: categories
Column: id
6created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time
7created_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the create actor
8updated_attimestamp: SQLMost recent update time
9updated_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the most recent update actor
10deleted_attimestamp: SQLNullableDeletion time. If deleted_at === null, the entity is considered active.
11deleted_bystring: nullUser (Oxygen) ID of the delete actor
12bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
13bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
14uidstring: UUIDInternal identifier (Globally Unique)
15category_typeenum: stringasset, systemType of category. Systems and assets have distinct category trees.
16parent_uidstring: UUIDNullableIdentifier (Globally Unique) of the Parent Category. If not present, Category is ROOT.
Foreign Key:
Table: categories
Column: uid


Assignments of Custom Attributes to Categories
1idstring: UUIDInternal Identifier
2versionnumberSequential version. Incremented each time the item is modified in any way.
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
5category_idstringIdentifier of the Category the Custom Attribute is being assigned to
Foreign Key:
Table: categories
Column: id
6custom_attribute_idstring: UUIDIdentifier of the Custom Attribute being assigned to a Category
Foreign Key:
Table: custom_attributes
Column: id
7created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time
8created_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the create actor
9updated_attimestamp: SQLMost recent update time
10updated_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the most recent update actor
11deleted_attimestamp: SQLNullableDeletion time. If deleted_at === null, the entity is considered active.
12deleted_bystring: nullUser (Oxygen) ID of the delete actor


Assignments of Status Sets to Categories
1idstring: UUIDInternal Identifier
2versionnumberSequential version. Incremented each time the item is modified in any way.
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
5category_idstringIdentifier (Legacy) of the Category the Status Set is being assigned to
Foreign Key:
Table: categories
Column: id
6status_set_idstring: UUIDIdentifier of the Status Set being assigned to a Category
Foreign Key:
Table: status_sets
Column: id
7created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time
8created_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the create actor
9updated_attimestamp: SQLMost recent update time
10updated_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the most recent update actor
11deleted_attimestamp: SQLNullableDeletion time. If deleted_at === null, the entity is considered active.
12deleted_bystring: nullUser (Oxygen) ID of the delete actor
13category_typeenum: stringasset, systemType of category. Systems and assets have distinct category trees.
14category_uidstring: UUIDIdentifier (Globally Unique) of the Category the Status Set is being assigned to
Foreign Key:
Table: categories
Column: uid


Default Values for the Custom Attributes
1bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
2bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
3custom_attribute_idstring: UUIDForeign Key:
Table: custom_attributes
Column: id
4default_value_booleanbooleanNullableDefault value for the Custom Attribute for an Asset for 'boolean' data_types. One, and only one, of default_value_boolean or default_value_string will be populated.
5default_value_stringstring: nullDefault value for the Custom Attribute for an Asset for 'text', 'numeric', 'date', 'select', and 'multi_select' data_types. One, and only one, of default_value_boolean or default_value_string will be populated.

For 'select' and 'multi_select` data_types, the value will be a FOREIGN_KEY: custom_attribute_selection_values,id. The custom_attribute_selection_values,id key will be one of the custom_attribute_selection_values for the Custom Attribute described by custom_attribute_id.

Note: 'multi_select' data_types can have more than one default value per Custom Attribute. All other types have a maximum of a single default value per Custom Attribute.


Available Selection values for 'select' and 'multi_select' data_type Custom Attributes
1idstring: UUIDInternal Identifier
2versionnumberSequential version. Incremented each time the item is modified in any way.
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
5display_namestringMax length: 100Displayable name
6custom_attribute_idstring: UUIDForeign Key:
Table: custom_attributes
Column: id
7created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time
8created_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the create actor
9updated_attimestamp: SQLMost recent update time
10updated_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the most recent update actor
11deleted_attimestamp: SQLNullableDeletion time. If deleted_at === null, the entity is considered active.
12deleted_bystring: nullUser (Oxygen) ID of the delete actor


User-Defined Attributes for available for Assets in a given Category
1idstring: UUIDInternal Identifier
2versionnumberSequential version. Incremented each time the item is modified in any way.
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
5namestringInternal name of the Custom Attribute
6display_namestringMax length: 100Displayable name
7descriptionstring: nullMax length: 1000Description of the custom attribute
8data_typeenum: stringboolean, text, numeric, date, select, multi_selectThe Data Type of the Custom Attribute. Used to determine which additional columns will be applicable, and what their data_type will be for the Custom Attribute. Used to determine the populated value field of the value for this Custom Attribute on an Asset (i.e. value_boolean, value_string, or value_array)
9required_on_ingressbooleanDoes NOT guarantee the presence of a value for the Custom Attribute on an Asset if True
10max_length_on_ingressnumberOnly present for 'text' data_typeDefines a max length that can be set for the Custom Attribute when editing an Asset. Does not guarantee that all existing Assets values for the Custom Attribute will meet this max length.
11created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time
12created_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the create actor
13updated_attimestamp: SQLMost recent update time
14updated_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the most recent update actor
15deleted_attimestamp: SQLNullableDeletion time. If deleted_at === null, the entity is considered active.
16deleted_bystring: nullUser (Oxygen) ID of the delete actor


Container for a model file to extract assets from
1idstring: UUIDInternal Identifier
2versionnumberSequential version. Incremented each time the item is modified in any way.
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
5model_lineage_urnstringThe URN of the model file's versioned lineage
6created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time
7created_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the create actor
8updated_attimestamp: SQLMost recent update time
9updated_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the most recent update actor
10deleted_attimestamp: SQLNullableDeletion time. If deleted_at === null, the entity is considered active.
11deleted_bystring: nullUser (Oxygen) ID of the delete actor


Set of Statuses available for Assets in a given Category
1idstring: UUIDInternal Identifier
2versionnumberSequential version. Incremented each time the item is modified in any way.
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
5namestringMax length: 100Displayable name
6descriptionstring: nullMax length: 500Description of the status set
7is_defaultbooleanA Project will always have a single "Default" Status Set created for the Project upon initialization. All other Status Sets will be user created and is_default = false
8created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time
9created_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the create actor
10updated_attimestamp: SQLMost recent update time
11updated_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the most recent update actor
12deleted_attimestamp: SQLNullableDeletion time. If deleted_at === null, the entity is considered active.
13deleted_bystring: nullUser (Oxygen) ID of the delete actor


Membership of a System
1bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
2bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
3system_idstring: UUIDIdentifier of the Parent System
Foreign Key:
Table: systems
Column: id
4member_typeenum: stringasset, systemType of the System member. Systems can contain Assets or other Systems.
5member_idstring: UUIDIdentifier of the Member System
Foreign Key:
Table: systems
Column: id


System Definitions
1idstring: UUIDInternal Identifier
2versionnumberSequential version. Incremented each time the item is modified in any way.
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of Assets data
5namestringMax length: 500Displayable name
6descriptionstring: nullMax length: 1000Description of the system
7category_uidstring: UUIDIdentifier (Globally Unique) of the Category this System is assigned to
Foreign Key:
Table: categories
Column: uid
8status_idstring: UUIDIdentifier of the Assets Status this System is assigned to
Foreign Key:
Table: asset_statuses
Column: id
9created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time
10created_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the create actor
11updated_attimestamp: SQLMost recent update time
12updated_bystringUser (Oxygen) ID of the most recent update actor
13deleted_attimestamp: SQLNullableDeletion time. If deleted_at === null, the entity is considered active.
14deleted_bystring: nullUser (Oxygen) ID of the delete actor