transmittals Schema Description

Documentation Updated: 2025-02-05


Object to define a transmittal document
1idstring: UUIDUnique id for the transmittal document
2workflow_transmittal_idstring: UUIDId for the transmittal the document belongs to
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
5urnstringThe URN of the document
6file_namestringFile name of the document
7version_numbernumberThe specific version of the document
8revision_numbernumberThe specific revision of the document
9parent_folder_urnstringThe URN of the folder that the document belongs to
10last_modified_timetimestamp: SQLLast modified time of the document
11last_modified_user_idstringId of the last modified user
12last_modified_user_namestringName of the last modified user
13created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time of the transmittal document
14updated_attimestamp: SQLUpdate time of the transmittal document


Object to define a transmittal external recipient
1idstring: UUIDUnique id for the transmittal external recipient
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4emailstringExternal user inputed email.
5first_namestringExternal user inputed first name.
6last_namestringExternal user inputed last name.
7company_namestringExternal user inputed company name.
8rolestringExternal user inputed role name.
9workflow_transmittal_idstring: UUIDId for the transmittal the recipient belongs to
10viewed_attimestamp: SQLThe first time of when the recipient is viewed this transmittal
11downloaded_attimestamp: SQLThe first time of when the recipient is downloaded this transmittal
12created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time of the transmittal non member
13updated_attimestamp: SQLUpdate time of the transmittal non member


Object to define a transmittal recipient
1idstring: UUIDUnique id for the transmittal recipient
2workflow_transmittal_idstring: UUIDId for the transmittal the recipient belongs to
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
5user_idstring: UUIDId of user who owns the document
6user_namestringName of user who owns the document
7emailstringEmail of user who owns the document
8created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time of the transmittal recipient
9updated_attimestamp: SQLUpdate time of the transmittal recipient
10company_namestringThe name of recipient's company
11viewed_attimestamp: SQLThe first time of when the recipient is viewed this transmittal
12downloaded_attimestamp: SQLThe first time of when the recipient is downloaded this transmittal


Object to define a transmittal with the basic information
1idstring: UUIDUnique id for the transmittal
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4sequence_idnumberThe sequence id of the transmittal
5titlestringTitle of the transmittal
6statusnumberStatus of the transmittal, 1 => SENDING, 2 => COMPLETED, 3 => FAILED
7create_user_idstring: UUIDId of user who create the transmittal
8create_user_namestringName of user who create the transmittal
9docs_countnumberThe count of documents that belong to the transmittal
10created_attimestamp: SQLCreation time of the transmittal
11updated_attimestamp: SQLUpdate time of the transmittal
12create_user_company_idstringCompany id of the user who create the transmittal
13create_user_company_namestringCompany name of the user who create the transmittal