submittalsacc Schema Description

Documentation Updated: 2024-06-26


Attachments for ACC Build Submittal items.
1idstring: UUIDID for the Attachment
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4item_idstring: UUIDThe ID for the parent Item
Foreign Key:
Table: items
Column: id
5namestringName of the file
6revisionnumberRevision of the item when the attachment was added
7created_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that created the attachment
8created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the attachment created
9updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the attachment last updated
10updated_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that last updated the attachment
11upload_urnstringstorage URN where attachments are uploaded
12category_idstringID of the attachment category
13category_valuestringvalue of the category_id
14task_idstring: UUIDThe ID for the parent Task
Foreign Key:
15is_file_uploadedbooleanWas the upload process completed successfully
16urnstringID of the version of the file


Comments for ACC Build Submittal items.
1idstring: UUIDID for the Comment
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4item_idstring: UUIDThe ID for the parent Item
Foreign Key:
Table: items
Column: id
5updated_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that last updated the comment
6updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the comment updated
7created_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that created the comment
8created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the comment was created
9bodystringBody of the comment


Submittal custom identifier settings for the ACC Build system.
1idstring: UUIDID for the custom identifier settings
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4updated_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that last updated the task
5updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the task was updated
6can_switch_typebooleanDefaults to 'True', after one usage the value will be set to 'False' permanently.
7sequence_typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • 1 - global
  • 2 - spec
Project current sequence type


List of Autodesk User IDs of distribution_list users and their type
1item_idstring: UUIDID for the Item
Foreign Key:
Table: items
Column: id
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4user_idstringAutodesk User IDs of cc'ed user/role/company
5user_type_idstringPossible Values:
  • 1 - user
  • 2 - company
  • 3 - role
if of the distribution_list member user_type (user/role/company)
6user_type_valuestringvalue of the user_type_id


Submittal items for the ACC Build system.
1idstring: UUIDThe ID for the Submittal.
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4spec_idstring: UUIDID for the associated Spec
Foreign Key:
Table: specs
Column: id
5spec_identifierstringIdentifier of the spec this item related to
6titlestringTitle (name) of the item
7type_idstringID for the item type
Foreign Key:
Table: item type
Column: id
8type_valuestringvalue of the item type_id
9response_commentstringResponse comment of the item (in addition to response id)
10ball_in_courtstringArray of Autodesk User IDs of the users that are ball in court for the item workflow

Schema Change:
formerly assigned_to (now we have multiple reviewers)

Schema Change:
Deprecated field
11revisionnumberRevision of the item
12responded_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that responded
13descriptionstringDescription of the item
14responded_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when response was added
15due_datedate: stringDate and time for the item to be done with current state
16required_on_job_datedate: stringDate and time for the item to be done on site
17managerstringAutodesk User ID / Role member group ID / Company member group ID of the manager
18created_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that created the item
19created_attimestamp: SQLwhen was the item created
20state_idstringState of the item
21response_idstringID of the response, if was added.
Foreign Key:
Table: response
Column: id
22response_valuestringvalue of the response_id
23subsectionstringSub spec section
24subcontractorstringAutodesk User ID / Role member group ID / Company member group ID of the subcontractor
25identifiernumberIdentifier of the item. Created automatically
26updated_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user the last updated the item
27updated_attimestamp: SQLlast time the item was updated
28status_idenum: stringPossible Values:
  • 1 - Required
  • 2 - Open
  • 3 - Closed
  • 4 - Void
  • 5 - Empty
  • 6 - Draft
Status ID
29status_valuestringvalue of the status_id
30package_titlestringTitle of the package the item is related to (if any)
31packagestring: UUIDID for the associated Package
Foreign Key:
32package_identifiernumberIdentifier of the package the item is related to (if any)
33priority_idnumberPossible Values:
  • 1 - Low
  • 2- Normal
  • 3 - High
id of the priority the item is related to (if any)
34priority_valuestringvalue of the priority_id
35required_datedate: stringitem's required date
36required_approval_datedate: stringitem's required approval date
37lead_timenumberitem's lead time
38sent_to_submittertimestamp: SQLwhen the submitter received the item
39received_from_submittertimestamp: SQLWhen the submitter moved the item forward
40submitted_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that submitted the item to the manager
41sent_to_reviewtimestamp: SQLWhen the first review step started

Schema Change:
formerly sent_to_reviewer (now we have multiple reviewers)
42sent_to_review_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that submitted the item to review
43received_from_reviewtimestamp: SQLWhen the review finished

Schema Change:
formerly received_from_reviewer
44published_datetimestamp: SQLWhen the item was closed and distributed
45published_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that published the item
46submitter_due_datedate: stringWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
47manager_due_datedate: stringWhen the manager review is due
48ball_in_court_usersstringArray of Autodesk User IDs of the users that are ball in court for the item workflow
49ball_in_court_rolesstringArray of Role member group IDs of the roles that are ball in court for the item workflow
50ball_in_court_companiesstringArray of Company member group IDs of the companies that are ball in court for the item workflow
51manager_typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • 1 - user
  • 2 - company
  • 3 - role
Indication for manager id type
52subcontractor_typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • 1 - user
  • 2 - company
  • 3 - role
Indication for subcontractor id type
53custom_identifierstringThe custom identifier of the item.
54custom_identifier_sortstringSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
55custom_identifier_human_readablestringIngested custom identifier of the item. May include the item spec identifier along with the custom identifier value.


Submittal types for ACC Build Submittal items.
1idstring: UUIDID for the type
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the typye created
5updated_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that last updated the typye
6updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the type last updated
7created_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that created the type
8valuestringValue of the type
9platform_idstringFor default types
10is_activebooleanIs the type active


Submittal Packages for the ACC Build system.
1idstring: UUIDID for the Package
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4spec_idstring: UUIDID for the associated Spec
Foreign Key:
Table: specs
Column: id
5titlestringTitle of the package
6identifiernumberIdentifier of the package. Created Automatically
7descriptionstringDescription for the package
8updated_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that last updated the package
9created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the spec was created
10created_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that created the package
11updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when spec was last updated
12spec_identifierstringIdentifier of the spec this package related to


Submittal Spec Sections for the ACC Build system.
1bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
2bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
3idstring: UUIDID for the Spec Section
4identifierstringSpec identifier. Created by the user
5titlestringTitle of the spec
6created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the spec was created
7created_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that created the spec
8updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the spec was updated
9updated_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that last updated the spec


Review steps for ACC Build Submittal items.
1idstring: UUIDID for the step
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4updated_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that last updated the step
5updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the step was updated
6created_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that created the step
7created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the step was created
8statusenum: stringPossible Values:
  • not-started / in-progress / completed
The status of the step
9step_numbernumberThe order of the step in the review workflow
10days_to_respondnumberNumber of days that the reviewers have to respond
11due_datedate: stringDate for the item to be done with current state
12started_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the step started
13completed_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the step finished
14item_idstring: UUIDThe ID for the parent Item
Foreign Key:
Table: items
Column: id


Review tasks for ACC Build Submittal items.
1idstring: UUIDID for the task
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4updated_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that last updated the task
5updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the task was updated
6created_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that created the task
7created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the task was created
8statusenum: stringPossible Values:
  • not-started / in-progress / completed
The status of the task
9assigned_tostringAutodesk User ID / Role member group ID / Company member group ID that the task is assigned to
10is_requiredbooleanIs the task a required task in the review step
11response_commentstringResponse comment of the task (in addition to response id)
12responded_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when response was added
13responded_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that responded
14started_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the task started
15completed_attimestamp: SQLDate and time when the task finished
16completed_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user that closed the task
17response_valuestringvalue of the response_id
18response_idstring: UUIDID of the response, if was added.
Foreign Key:
19step_idstring: UUIDID of the parent step
Foreign Key:
20assigned_to_typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • 1 - user
  • 2 - company
  • 3 - role
Indication for assigned_to id type