rfis Schema Description

Documentation Updated: 2025-01-29


The attachments associated with ACC RFIs
1idstring: UUIDThe ID for the acc attachment
2rfi_idstring: UUIDForeign Key:
Table: rfis.id The ID for the RFI
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
5entity_idstring: UUIDThe entity ID the attachment associated with
6entity_typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • rfiResponse
  • rfiOfficialResponse
The entity type the attachment associated with
7display_namestringThe name of the attachment
8created_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time the attachment was created
9created_bystringThe Autodesk User ID of the user who created the attachment.
10deleted_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time the attachment was deleted. This is only relevant for deleted attachments.
11deleted_bystringThe Autodesk User ID of the user who deleted the attachment. This is only relevant for deleted attachments.


The attachments associated with BIM 360 Project Management RFIs.
1rfi_idstring: UUIDThe ID for the RFI.
Foreign Key:
Table: rfis
Column: id
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4idstring: UUIDThe ID of the attachment.
5created_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time the attachment was created
6created_bystringThe Autodesk User ID of the user who created the attachment.
7updated_attimestamp: SQLThe last time the attachment attributes were updated
8deleted_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time the attachment was deleted This is only relevant for deleted attachments.
9deleted_bystringThe Autodek User ID of the user who deleted the attachment. This is only relevant for deleted attachments.
10namestringThe name of the attachment.


Alternative reviewers for RFIs
1rfi_idstring: UUIDID for the RFI.
Foreign Key:
Table: rfis
Column: id
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4categorystringThe category to associate with this RFI


Comments associated with BIM 360 Project Management RFIs.
1rfi_idstring: UUIDThe ID for the RFI.
Foreign Key:
Table: rfis
Column: id
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4idstring: UUIDThe ID of the comment.
5created_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time the comment was created.
6created_bystringThe Autodesk User ID of the user who created the comment.
7updated_attimestamp: SQLThe last time the comment attributes were updated.
8bodystringThe content of the comment


Alternative reviewers for RFIs
1rfi_idstring: UUIDID for the RFI.
Foreign Key:
Table: rfis
Column: id
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4disciplinestringThe discipline to associate with this RFI


The Custom Attributes per project
1idstring: UUIDThe ID of the Project Custom Attributes
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4namestringThe name of the Custom Attribute
5typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • text
  • numeric
The type of the Custom Attribute
6descriptionstringDescription of the Custom Attribute
7multiple_choicebooleanWhen the value is NULL then the field is not selectable. When the value is false it is a single select. When the value is TRUE then the value is multi select.
8statusenum: stringPossible Values:
  • active
  • inactive
  • hidden
Active: default status when the Custom Attribute is active. Inactive: when the Custom Attribute is not active(reversible). Hidden - when the Custom Attribute is soft deleted(not reversible)


The Custom Attributes Enums options for the selectable Custom Attributes per container
1idstring: UUIDThe ID of the Project Custom Attributes Enums
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4custom_attribute_idstring: UUIDThe Custom Attribute ID which has the selectable value
5namestringThe value of the enum


The assignees associated with the RFIs.
1idstring: UUIDThe ID of the assignee.
2rfi_idstring: UUIDThe ID for the RFI.
Foreign Key:
Table: rfis
Column: id
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
5oxygen_idstringThe Autodesk User ID of the user assignee.
6typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • user
The assignee type
7created_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time of the assignee assigment
8updated_attimestamp: SQLThe last time the assignee attributes were updated
9deleted_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time the assignee was deleted This is only relevant for deleted assignee.


Alternative reviewers for RFIs
1rfi_idstring: UUIDID for the RFI.
Foreign Key:
Table: rfis
Column: id
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4user_idstringThe Autodesk User ID of the alternate reviewer


The table that indicates which custom attribute value related to a specific RFI
1idstring: UUIDThe ID of the Rfi Custom Attribute
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4rfi_idstring: UUIDThe ID for the RFI
5custom_attribute_idstring: UUIDThe Custom Attribute ID which the value was set for
6value_enum_idstring: UUIDIf the custom attribute is selectable (not free text/numbers) then the value will be a UUID in container_custom_attributes_enums which is the selected value. If the Custom Attribute is multi select and more then one selected then more than one value_enum_id will appear for the same custom_attribute_id
7value_floatnumberThe numeric value of a Custom Attribute
8value_strstringThe textual value of a Custom Attribute


List of users who will be notified of changes to the RFI.
1rfi_idstring: UUIDID for the RFI.
Foreign Key:
Table: rfis
Column: id
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4user_idstringThe Autodesk User ID of the user to be notified of changes to RFI.


The location details for an RFI
1rfi_idstring: UUIDID for the RFI.
Foreign Key:
Table: rfis
Column: id
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4locationstringA description of the location of the RFI in the construction project.


The responses associated with the RFIs.
1idstring: UUIDThe ID of the response.
2rfi_idstring: UUIDThe ID for the RFI.
Foreign Key:
Table: rfis
Column: id
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
5contentstringThe content of the response
6updated_bystringThe Autodesk User ID of the user who updated the response.
7created_bystringThe Autodesk User ID of the user who created the response.
8on_behalfstringThe Autodesk User ID of the user assignee.
9statusenum: stringPossible Values:
  • answered
  • rejected
The response status
10created_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time the response was created
11updated_attimestamp: SQLThe last time the response attributes were updated
12deleted_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time the response was deleted This is only relevant for deleted responses.
13stateenum: stringPossible Values:
  • submitted
  • draft
The response state


Reviewers for RFIs
1rfi_idstring: UUIDID for the RFI.
Foreign Key:
Table: rfis
Column: id
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4user_idstringThe Autodesk User ID of the reviewer
5typestringPossible Values:
  • user
Reviewer type


The lifecycle of the RFI - each row represents a transition of the RFI from one status to another
1idstring: UUIDThe ID of the transition
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4rfi_idstring: UUIDThe RFI ID for the transition
5from_statusstring: nullPossible Values:
  • draft
  • submitted
  • open
  • answered
  • openRev1
  • answeredRev1
  • openRev2
  • answeredManager
  • closed
  • void
The status of the RFI before the transition occurred. If the RFI was newly created, the value will be null.
6to_statusstringPossible Values:
  • draft
  • submitted
  • open
  • answered
  • openRev1
  • answeredRev1
  • openRev2
  • answeredManager
  • closed
  • void
The status of the RFI after the transition.
7created_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time the RFI transition was made.
8created_bystringThe Autodesk User ID of the user who made the transition.


The type of the RFI
1idstring: UUIDThe ID of the RFI Type
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4namestringThe name of the RFI Type
5wf_typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • reviewer_only
  • reviewer_and_coordinator
  • unknown
The workflow type of the RFI Type


Information about all the BIM 360 RFIs (requests for information) in a project, including details about their associated comments and attachments.
1idstring: UUIDThe ID for the RFI.
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of RFI data
4custom_identifierstringMax length: 15 + Unique per containerCustom identifier for the RFI
5titlestringTitle for the RFI
6questionstringQuestion for the RFI
7statusenum: stringPossible Values:
  • draft
  • submitted
  • open
  • answered
  • openRev1
  • answeredRev1
  • openRev2
  • answeredManager
  • closed
  • void
The current status of the RFI.
8due_datetimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the due date for the RFI.
9linked_documentstringThe URN of the document
10linked_document_versionnumberThe document's version when the RFI was assigned to it
11linked_document_close_versionnumberThe document's version when the RFI, that assigned to it, was closed
12official_responsestringOfficial response of the RFI
13official_response_statusenum: stringPossible Values:
  • answered
  • rejected
The RFI official response status of approval (if exists)
14responded_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time the RFI was responded to
15responded_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user who created the RFI
16created_bystringThe Autodesk User ID of the user who created the RFI.
17created_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time the RFI was created.
18updated_bystringThe Autodesk User ID of the user who updated the RFI
19updated_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time the RFI was updated
20closed_bystringThe Autodesk User ID of the ID of the user who closed the RFI
21closed_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the date and time the RFI was closed
22suggested_answerstringThe suggested answer for the RFI.
23manager_idstringManager for the RFI
24answered_attimestamp: SQLThe last time the RFI answer attribute was updated.
25answered_bystringThe Autodesk User ID of the user who updated the RFI answer attribute
26cost_impactenum: stringPossible Values:
  • Yes
  • No
  • Unknown
Is the cost impact of this RFI known?
27schedule_impactenum: stringPossible Values:
  • Yes
  • No
  • Unknown
Is the schedule impact of this RFI known?
28prioritystringThe priority of he RFI
29referencestringMax length: 20The reference of the RFI
30opened_attimestamp: SQLThe timestamp of the RFI submition or in review date
31location_idstringThe associated Location object ids
32rfi_typestring: UUIDThe type of the RFI
33bridged_sourcebooleanIs the RFI was a source of a bridge action
34bridged_targetbooleanIs the RFI was a target of a bridge action