photos Schema Description

Documentation Updated: 2024-09-10


Photo tags data
1idnumberID of the photo tag
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4seq_idnumberUsed for sync token, the order in which columns were updated.
5project_idstringMax Length: 36The Project UID this tag applies to.
6photo_idstringMax Length: 36The Photo UID this tag applies to.
7tag_namestringMax Length: 64String that represents the tag. (EX: "stairs", "drywall", etc)
8tag_typestringMax Length: 255Type of tag, "user", "ml" (autotag), etc
9created_attimestamp: SQLThe datetime the tag was created on the server.
10creator_idstringMax Length: 8000The UID of the user who created the tag.
11deleted_attimestamp: SQLThe datetime the row was deleted, if applicable.
12deleter_idstringMax Length: 8000The UID of the user who deleted the photo, if deleted.
13model_versionnumberModel version for the photo


All the photo models (Original table name is gg_photos)
1idnumberID of the photo
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4titlestringMax Length: 8000The title of the photo, which can be changed to a custom string
6statusstringMax Length: 255N/A
7annotationstringMax Length: 36N/A
8punchstringMax Length: 36N/A
9creator_idstringMax Length: 8000The UID of the user who created the photo
10deleter_idstringMax Length: 8000The UID of the user who deleted the photo, if deleted.
11updater_idstringMax Length: 8000The UID of the user who most recently updated the photo.
12latnumberLatitude of the photo, if applicable.
13lngnumberLongitude of the photo, if applicable.
14uidstringMax Length: 36Photo UID
15descriptionstringMax Length: 512N/A
16image_typestringMax Length: 255N/A
17typestringMax Length: 8000N/A
18taken_ontimestamp: SQLThe datetime the photo was taken at, parsed from the photo's metadata, if available.
19locked_attimestamp: SQLN/A
20is_publicbooleanWhether the photo is public to all users on a project, or uses permissions.
21created_attimestamp: SQLThe datetime the photo was uploaded to the server.
22user_created_attimestamp: SQLThe datetime the photo was added to the project locally (on mobile devices, before uploading to the cloud).
23updated_ontimestamp: SQLThe datetime the row was last updated.
24deleted_attimestamp: SQLThe datetime the row was deleted, if applicable.
25projectstringMax Length: 36The Project UID this tag applies to.
26seq_idnumberUsed for sync token, the order in which columns were updated.
27sheetstringMax Length: 36N/A


Users/Groups associated to a Photo referencer
1idnumberID of the referencer participant
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4project_idstringMax Length: 36The Project UID this row applies to.
5referencer_urnstringMax Length: 250Unique URN of the resource referencing the photo
6participant_idstringMax Length: 36The UID of the entity (user, group, role, etc...) referencing the photo
7participant_typestringMax Length: 36The type of the entity referencing the photo (for debugging purposes)
8created_attimestamp: SQLThe datetime the row was created on the server.


Photo Referencers such as RFI, Issues
1idnumberID of the referencer photo
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4project_idstringMax Length: 36The Project UID this row applies to.
5referencer_urnstringMax Length: 255Unique URN of the resource referencing the photo
6photo_idstringMax Length: 36The Photo UID this row applies to.
7created_attimestamp: SQLThe datetime the row was created on the server.
8edge_urnstringMax Length: 255This column was created to account for Form's complex visibility rules that depend on the state of the Form. Instead of having the Form as the Referencer, the Form Template becomes the Referencer, and the Form URN becomes the edge that moves between various Form Template URNs (for example, each Form Template will have multiple URNs that correspond to the various states that the Form can be in: DRAFT, PUBLISHED, etc..).