packages Schema Description

Documentation Updated: 2025-01-15


The data of package associations
1idstring: UUIDUnique id for the package association
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4package_idstring: UUIDThe id of the package that the association belongs to
5version_idstring: UUIDThe id of the version file that the association belongs to


The data of package managers
1idstring: UUIDUnique id for the package role
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4adsk_idstringThe Autodesk ID
5adsk_id_typeenum: stringPossible Values:
  • user
  • role
  • company
The Autodesk ID type
6created_attimestamp: SQLThe created time of the package
7created_bystringId of user who create the package
8updated_attimestamp: SQLThe updated time of the package
9updated_bystringId of user who update the package
10statusenum: stringPossible Values:
  • inactive
  • active
  • pending
  • disable
detailed column 7 description


The data of packages
1idstring: UUIDUnique id for the package
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4lockedbooleanIndicating whether the package is locked
5locked_attimestamp: SQLThe lock time
6locked_bystringThe user id who locked the package
7namestringThe name of this package
8descriptionstringThe description of this package
9resource_countnumberThe count of the resources in the package
10created_attimestamp: SQLThe created time of the package
11created_bystringId of user who create the package
12updated_attimestamp: SQLThe updated time of the package
13updated_bystringId of user who update the package
14version_resource_optionstringIndicates that versions under a package are fixed versions or keep up to date.


The data of the version files in packages
1bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
2bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
3version_idstring: UUIDThe id of the version file
4urnstringThe URN of the version file
5versionnumberThe version number of this version file
6revisionnumberThe revision number of this version file
7file_typestringThe file type of this version file
8pathstringThe folder path of this version file
9trashedbooleanIndicating whether this file or its parent folder has been deleted
10namestringThe file name of this version file
11file_sizenumberThe file size of this version file
12created_attimestamp: SQLThe created time of the package
13created_bystringId of user who create the package
14updated_attimestamp: SQLThe updated time of the package
15updated_bystringId of user who update the package