markups Schema Description

Documentation Updated: 2024-03-14


Markups are placed on layers. which are placed on surfaces.
1bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of issues data
2bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of issues data
3uidstring: UUIDUnique identifier for the layer.
4surface_uidstring: UUIDParent Surface ID for this Layer.
Foreign Key:
Table: surface
Column: uid
5namestring: nullName of layer, null is default layer.
6promotablebooleanIndicates whether or not this layer's markups are copied when a new version of a sheet is uploaded.
7surface_typestringPossible Values:
  • document
  • sheet
  • photo
  • job_output
  • acc_sheet
  • acc_document
  • acc_model
The type of surface
8base_entity_urnstringThe document version urn
9base_entity_uidstring: UUIDThe UUID of the root entity of the surface (sheet id, doc id, etc)


Indicates if a markup is linked to another feature entity.
1bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of issues data
2bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of issues data
3uidstring: UUIDThe unique identifier for this link.
4markup_idnumbermarkup ID associated with this placement.
Foreign Key:
Table: markup
Column: id
5typestringPossible Values:
  • document
  • sheet
  • acc_document
  • acc_sheet
  • acc_sheet_history
  • photo
  • rfi
  • progress-tracking
  • form
  • submittal
Type of link
6destinationstring: UUIDThe unique identifier of the entity linked to. Mutually exclusive with uri.
7uristring: nullThe uniform resource identifier being linked to. Mutually exclusive with destination.
8created_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user who created the link.
9created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the link was created in ISO8601 format
10deletedbooleanIndicates if the link has been deleted
11deleted_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user who deleted the link.
12deleted_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the link was deleted in ISO8601 format


Main table for all our markup data.
1idnumberUnique identifier of markup.
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of issues data
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of issues data
4uidstring: UUIDUnique identifier of markup.
5feature_bound_uidstring: UUIDUnique identifier of feature entity this markup is linked to.
6feature_bound_typestring: nullPossible Values:
  • issue
  • progress-tracking
  • photo
  • calibration
Type of feature entity this markup is linked to.
7typestring: nullStencil schema used for markup
8created_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user who created the markup.
9created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the markup was created in ISO8601 format
10updated_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user who updated the markup.
11updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the markup was updated in ISO8601 format
12deletedbooleanIndicates if the markup has been deleted
13deleted_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user who deleted the markup.
14deleted_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the markup was deleted in ISO8601 format
15markup_textstringText content for the given markup. This is the initial text that the markup was created with, THIS MAY BE OVERRIDDEN BY TEXT ON THE PLACEMENT OF THIS MARKUP. Merge with the "placement" table and check "placement_text" to identify the text of a given placement of this markup. if "placement_text" is blank, then "markup_text" holds the current text content. NOTE: if the markup is a feature bound markup (feature_bound_type is present), the text here is inaccurate and should be ignored.


Combined with markup table to place markups on layers and surfaces.
1bim360_account_idstring: UUIDAdded for account scoping of issues data
2bim360_project_idstring: UUIDAdded for project scoping of issues data
3markup_uidstring: UUIDmarkup ID associated with this placement.
Foreign Key:
Table: markup
Column: uid
4surface_uidstring: UUIDSurface ID this markup is placed on.
Foreign Key:
Table: surface
Column: uid
5publishedbooleanIndicates if the markup is visible to all users or not.
6layer_uidstring: UUIDLayer ID this markup is placed on.
Foreign Key:
Table: layer
Column: uid
7idnumberUnique identifier for the placement.
8uidstring: UUIDUnique identifier for the placement.
9created_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user who created the placement.
10created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the placement was created in ISO8601 format
11updated_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user who updated the placement.
12updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the placement was updated in ISO8601 format
13deletedbooleanIndicates if the placement has been deleted
14deleted_bystringAutodesk User ID of the user who deleted the placement.
15deleted_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the placement was deleted in ISO8601 format
16placement_textstringText content for the given markup-placement. THIS WILL OVERRIDE TEXT IN MARKUP.MARKUP_TEXT. If there is text present in this column, it is the current text of the given placement. If this field is blank, check the "markup_text" column by merging with the "markup" table to get text (if there is any for this placement). NOTE: if the markup is a feature bound markup (feature_bound_type is present), the text here is inaccurate and should be ignored.