dailylogs Schema Description
Documentation Updated: 2023-12-04dailylogs
BIM 360 Daily Logsordinal_position | column_name | data_type | constraints | notes |
1 | id | string: UUID | The unique identifier of the dailylog. | |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. | |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | BIM 360 HQ Project ID. | |
4 | date | timestamp: SQL | The date for the daily log data | |
5 | company_id | string | Company Identifier | |
6 | status | string | Possible Values:
| Status of the daily log |
7 | created_by | string | Autodesk ID of the user who created the dailylog. | |
8 | updated_by | string | Autodesk ID of the user who last modified the dailylog. | |
9 | published_by | string | Autodesk ID of the user who published the dailylog. | |
10 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | Date and time the resource was last created in ISO8601 format. | |
11 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | Date and time the resource was last updated in ISO8601 format. | |
12 | published_at | timestamp: SQL | Date and time the resource was last published in ISO8601 format. |
Labor items for the labor in the Daily Logordinal_position | column_name | data_type | constraints | notes |
1 | id | string: UUID | The unique identifier of the labor information. | |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. | |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | BIM 360 HQ Project ID. | |
4 | company_id | string: UUID | The company ID for the labor item - details for the company are available in admin::companies table | |
5 | labor_id | string | ID of the labor for this labor item information Foreign Key: Table: labors Column: id | |
6 | company_oxygen_id | string | Oxygen ID for the labor company | |
7 | workers_count | number | Workers hours | |
8 | total_hours | number | Total hours | |
9 | comment | string | Comment for the labor item | |
10 | created_by | string | Autodesk ID of the user who created the labo item information. | |
11 | updated_by | string | Autodesk ID of the user who last modified the labor item information. | |
12 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | Date and time the resource was last created in ISO8601 format. | |
13 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | Date and time the resource was last updated in ISO8601 format. |
Labor information for the Daily Logordinal_position | column_name | data_type | constraints | notes |
1 | id | string: UUID | The unique identifier of the labor information. | |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. | |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | BIM 360 HQ Project ID. | |
4 | daily_log_id | string | ID of the dailylog for this labor information Foreign Key: Table: dailylogs Column: id | |
5 | title | string | Title of the labor | |
6 | created_by | string | Autodesk ID of the user who created the labor information. | |
7 | updated_by | string | Autodesk ID of the user who last modified the labor information. | |
8 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | Date and time the resource was last created in ISO8601 format. | |
9 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | Date and time the resource was last updated in ISO8601 format. |
Notes for the Daily Logordinal_position | column_name | data_type | constraints | notes |
1 | id | string: UUID | The unique identifier of the note. | |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. | |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | BIM 360 HQ Project ID. | |
4 | daily_log_id | string | ID of the dailylog for this note Foreign Key: Table: dailylogs Column: id | |
5 | title | string | Title for the note | |
6 | content | string | Content of the note | |
7 | created_by | string | Autodesk ID of the user who created the note. | |
8 | updated_by | string | Autodesk ID of the user who last modified the note. | |
9 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | Date and time the resource was last created in ISO8601 format. | |
10 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | Date and time the resource was last updated in ISO8601 format. |
Weather information for a Daily Logordinal_position | column_name | data_type | constraints | notes |
1 | id | string: UUID | The unique identifier of the weather information. | |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. | |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | BIM 360 HQ Project ID. | |
4 | daily_log_id | string | ID of the dailylog for this weather information Foreign Key: Table: dailylogs Column: id | |
5 | title | string | Title of the weather reading | |
6 | location | string | Location for the weather reading | |
7 | description | string | Description of the weather reading | |
8 | highest_temperature | number | High Temperature for the dailylog | |
9 | highest_temperature_time | timestamp: SQL | Date and time of the highest temperature reading. | |
10 | lowest_temperature | number | Low Temperature for the dailylog | |
11 | lowest_temperature_time | timestamp: SQL | Date and time of the lowest temperature reading. | |
12 | visibility | number | Visibility reading | |
13 | humidity | number | Humidity reading | |
14 | wind | number | Wind speed reading | |
15 | precipitation | number | Precipitation in dailylog | |
16 | notes | string | Various informational notes | |
17 | created_by | string | Autodesk ID of the user who created the weather information. | |
18 | updated_by | string | Autodesk ID of the user who last modified the weather information. | |
19 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | Date and time the resource was last created in ISO8601 format. | |
20 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | Date and time the resource was last updated in ISO8601 format. |