dailylogs Schema Description

Documentation Updated: 2023-12-04


BIM 360 Daily Logs
1idstring: UUIDThe unique identifier of the dailylog.
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4datetimestamp: SQLThe date for the daily log data
5company_idstringCompany Identifier
6statusstringPossible Values:
  • NEW
Status of the daily log
7created_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who created the dailylog.
8updated_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who last modified the dailylog.
9published_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who published the dailylog.
10created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last created in ISO8601 format.
11updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated in ISO8601 format.
12published_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last published in ISO8601 format.


Labor items for the labor in the Daily Log
1idstring: UUIDThe unique identifier of the labor information.
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4company_idstring: UUIDThe company ID for the labor item - details for the company are available in admin::companies table
5labor_idstringID of the labor for this labor item information
Foreign Key:
Table: labors
Column: id
6company_oxygen_idstringOxygen ID for the labor company
7workers_countnumberWorkers hours
8total_hoursnumberTotal hours
9commentstringComment for the labor item
10created_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who created the labo item information.
11updated_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who last modified the labor item information.
12created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last created in ISO8601 format.
13updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated in ISO8601 format.


Labor information for the Daily Log
1idstring: UUIDThe unique identifier of the labor information.
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4daily_log_idstringID of the dailylog for this labor information
Foreign Key:
Table: dailylogs
Column: id
5titlestringTitle of the labor
6created_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who created the labor information.
7updated_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who last modified the labor information.
8created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last created in ISO8601 format.
9updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated in ISO8601 format.


Notes for the Daily Log
1idstring: UUIDThe unique identifier of the note.
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4daily_log_idstringID of the dailylog for this note
Foreign Key:
Table: dailylogs
Column: id
5titlestringTitle for the note
6contentstringContent of the note
7created_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who created the note.
8updated_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who last modified the note.
9created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last created in ISO8601 format.
10updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated in ISO8601 format.


Weather information for a Daily Log
1idstring: UUIDThe unique identifier of the weather information.
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4daily_log_idstringID of the dailylog for this weather information
Foreign Key:
Table: dailylogs
Column: id
5titlestringTitle of the weather reading
6locationstringLocation for the weather reading
7descriptionstringDescription of the weather reading
8highest_temperaturenumberHigh Temperature for the dailylog
9highest_temperature_timetimestamp: SQLDate and time of the highest temperature reading.
10lowest_temperaturenumberLow Temperature for the dailylog
11lowest_temperature_timetimestamp: SQLDate and time of the lowest temperature reading.
12visibilitynumberVisibility reading
13humiditynumberHumidity reading
14windnumberWind speed reading
15precipitationnumberPrecipitation in dailylog
16notesstringVarious informational notes
17created_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who created the weather information.
18updated_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who last modified the weather information.
19created_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last created in ISO8601 format.
20updated_attimestamp: SQLDate and time the resource was last updated in ISO8601 format.