cost Schema Description
Documentation Updated: 2025-01-11
The in-progress approval workflows.
1 | id | string: UUID | | The uniq ID of the approval workflow. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | name | string | | The name of. the approval worflow. |
5 | association_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the entity the approval workflow is associated to. |
6 | association_type | string | | The type of the entity the approval workflow is associated to. |
7 | current_step_name | string | | The name of the current review step. |
8 | current_assigned_users | string | | The Autodesk IDs of the users that are assgined to in current step. |
9 | current_assigned_groups | string | | The Autodesk IDs of the companies or roles that are assgined to in current step. |
10 | reviewed_users | string | | The IDs of the users that have completed the review. |
11 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the item is created. |
12 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the item is last modified. |
13 | current_due_date | timestamp: SQL | | The due date of the current review step. |
Segment codes of the budget code template in Cost Management
1 | id | string: UUID | | The ID of the code in the budget code segment. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | parent_id | string: UUID | | The parent ID of the code. |
5 | segment_id | string: UUID | | The segment ID of the code. |
6 | code | string | | The display code, with appended # if the segment is fixed length. |
7 | original_code | string | | The original code when it's imported from Excel. |
8 | description | string | | The description of the code. |
9 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the code is created. |
10 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the code is last modified. |
Segments of the budget code template in Cost Management
1 | id | string: UUID | | The ID of the budget code segment. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | name | string | | The name of the budget code segment. |
5 | length | number | | The length of the code in the segment. |
6 | position | number | | The position of the segment in the template. |
7 | type | string | | The type of the segment. Possible values: code, info, column |
8 | delimiter | string | | The delimiter of the code of this segment to the code of the next segment. |
9 | sample_code | string | | The sample code of the segment. |
10 | is_variable_length | boolean | | The flag to indicate whether the code of this segment is fixed or variable length. |
11 | is_locked | boolean | | The flag to indicate whether the segment is locked to disable editing or adding new codes. |
12 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the segment is created. |
13 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the segment is last modified. |
Budget Payment Item as defined in BIM 360
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of a budget payment item - auto generated. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | payment_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the payment that the item is in. |
5 | parent_id | string: UUID | | The parend item ID if current item is a child. |
6 | number | string | Max length: 1024 | Number of an budget payment item. |
7 | name | string | Max length: 1024 | Name of a budget payment item. |
8 | description | string | Max length: 2048 | Detail description of a budget payment item. |
9 | unit | string | | The unit of measure of the payment item. |
10 | original_amount | number | | The amount of the scheduled of value. |
11 | original_qty | number | | The quantity of the scheduled of value. |
12 | original_unit_price | number | | The unit price of the scheduled of value. |
13 | amount | number | | The amount of work completed for this scheduled of value. |
14 | unit_price | number | | The unit price of work completed for this scheduled of value. |
15 | qty | number | | The quantity of work completed for this scheduled of value. |
16 | materials_on_store | number | | The amount on store quanity for this schedule of value. |
17 | materials_on_store_qty | number | | The quantity on store quanity for this schedule of value. |
18 | materials_on_store_unit_price | number | | The unit price on store quanity for this schedule of value. |
19 | previous_amount | number | | The previous amount of work completed. |
20 | previous_qty | number | | The previous quantity of work completed. |
21 | previous_unit_price | number | | The unit price of previous work complete. |
22 | previous_materials_on_store | number | | The material on store of previus period. |
23 | completed_work_retention_percent | number | | The retention % of work complete. |
24 | materials_on_store_retention_percent | number | | The retention % of material on store. |
25 | completed_work_released | number | | The released amount for work completed in this period. |
26 | materials_on_store_released | number | | The released amount for material on store in this period. |
27 | net_amount | number | | The net amount: work completed + material on store - retention + release. |
28 | status | string | | The status of the the payment item. |
29 | creator_id | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
30 | changed_by | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
31 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment item is created. |
32 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment item is last modified. |
Custom properties for Budget Payment
1 | budget_payment_id | string: UUID | | The budget payment ID for this custom property Foreign Key: Table: budget_payments Column: id |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | name | string | | The name of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
5 | built_in | boolean | | A flag to indicate whether this is a pre-defined attribute or not. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
6 | position | number | | The order of the custom attribute displayed in the BIM 360 Cost Management. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
7 | property_definition_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the custom attribute definition. |
8 | type | string | | The type of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
9 | value | string | | The value of the custom attribute. |
Budget Payment as defined in BIM 360
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of the budget payment. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | main_contract_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the main contract the payment is pursuant to. |
5 | start_date | timestamp: SQL | | The start date of the payment billing period. |
6 | end_date | timestamp: SQL | | The end date of the payment billing period. |
7 | due_date | timestamp: SQL | Max length: 255 | The due date of the payment. |
8 | number | string | Max length: 1024 | Number of an budget payment. |
9 | name | string | Max length: 1024 | Name of a budget payment. |
10 | description | string | Max length: 2048 | Detail description of a budget payment. |
11 | original_amount | number | | The origianl contracted amount of th |
12 | amount | number | | Work completed of this period of the payment. |
13 | previous_amount | number | | Work completed in previous payment. |
14 | materials_on_store | number | | Materials on site of this billing period. |
15 | previous_materials_on_store | number | | Materials on site of previous billing period. |
16 | approved_change_orders | number | | The total of approved change orders. |
17 | contract_amount | number | | The current total of the contracted amount: orginal_amount + approved_change_orders |
18 | completed_work_retention | number | | Total of the retention for total work complete. |
19 | materials_on_store_retention | number | | Total of the retention for material on site |
20 | net_amount | number | | Net amount of current work completed + material on site - retentions. |
21 | paid_amount | number | | The amount paid by owner. |
22 | status | string | | The status of the budget payment. |
23 | company_id | string | | The Autodesk ID of the owner company. |
24 | payment_type | string | | How is the expense paid, e.g. Cash, Check, Electronic Transfer |
25 | payment_reference | string | | The reference info how the expense is paid. |
26 | creator_id | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
27 | changed_by | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
28 | contact_id | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
29 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment is created. |
30 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment is last modified. |
31 | approved_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment is approved. |
32 | paid_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment is paid. |
33 | submitted_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment is submitted. |
34 | note | string | | The additional note. |
35 | materials_billed | number | | The amount of the materials billed in this period. |
36 | materials_retention | number | | The percentage of the retention for the materials billed. |
37 | integration_state | string | | A field indicate the record integration status, possible values: "integrated", "locked", "failed", null |
38 | integration_state_changed_by | string | | The integration user who changed the integration state |
39 | integration_state_changed_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the integration state changed |
40 | external_id | string | | The ID of the entity in external system. |
41 | external_system | string | | The name of the external system. |
42 | message | string | | The comment added by the integration. |
43 | last_sync_time | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp of last time when the sync happened between cost management and external system |
Custom properties for a Budget
1 | budget_id | string: UUID | | The budget ID for this custom property Foreign Key: Table: budgets Column: id |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | name | string | | Name of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
5 | built_in | boolean | | A flag to indicate whether this is a pre-defined attribute or not. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
6 | position | number | | The order of the custom attribute displayed in the BIM 360 Cost Management. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
7 | property_definition_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the custom attribute definition. |
8 | type | string | | The type of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
9 | value | string | | The value of the custom attribute. |
Transfers between budgets in cost management
1 | id | string: UUID | | The Id of the budget transfer. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data. |
4 | number | string | | The number of the budget transfer. |
5 | name | string | | The name of the budget transfer. |
6 | note | string | | Notes about the budget transfer. |
7 | status | string | | The status of the budget transfer. Possible values are "open", "inReview", "approved", "reviseAndResubmit", "rejected" |
8 | approved_at | timestamp: SQL | | The time when the budget transfer approved |
9 | creator_id | string | | Autodesk User ID for the user who created the main contract - referring to an id of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
10 | changed_by | string | | Autodesk User ID for the user who made the last change - referring to an id of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
11 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the budget transfer is created. |
12 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the budget transfer is updated. |
13 | integration_state | string | | A field indicate the record integration status, possible values: "integrated", "locked", "failed", null |
14 | integration_state_changed_by | string | | The integration user who changed the integration state |
15 | integration_state_changed_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the integration state changed |
16 | external_id | string | | The ID of the entity in external system. |
17 | external_system | string | | The name of the external system. |
18 | message | string | | The comment added by the integration. |
19 | last_sync_time | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp of last time when the sync happened between cost management and external system |
Budgets defined in a BIM 360 Project.
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of budget item. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | parent_id | string: UUID | | Id of a parent budget item - null for root items. |
5 | code | string | Max length: 255 | Unique code compliant to the Budget Code Template defined by the Project Admin. |
6 | name | string | Max length: 1024 | Name of the Budget. |
7 | description | string | Max length: 2048 | Detail description of the Budget. |
8 | quantity | number | | Quantity of a Budget. |
9 | unit_price | number | | Unit price of a Budget. |
10 | unit | string | | Unit of measures of the Budget. |
11 | original_amount | number | | Original amount of the Budget - equals quantity * unitPrice |
12 | internal_adjustment | number | | Internal transfers between budgets |
13 | approved_owner_changes | number | | Total of changes approved by Owner |
14 | pending_owner_changes | number | | Total of changes waiting for the approval of Owner |
15 | original_commitment | number | | The original amount committed to the supplier contract. |
16 | approved_change_orders | number | | Total of changes committed to Supplier. |
17 | approved_in_scope_change_orders | number | | Total of in-scope changes committed to Supplier. |
18 | pending_change_orders | number | | Total of changes not committed. |
19 | reserves | number | | Total of changes under estimation. |
20 | actual_cost | number | | Total of actual cost. |
21 | main_contract_id | string: UUID | | Id of the Main Contract that the budget belongs to. |
22 | contract_id | string: UUID | | ID of the Contract that the budget is awarded to. |
23 | adjustments_total | number | | Total of all the actual cost adjustments. |
24 | uncommitted | number | | The amount that has been approved by owner but not committed to Supplier: approvedOwnerChanges - (approvedChangeOrders - approvedInScopeChangeOrders) |
25 | revised | number | | Total of the approved budget from owner - equals originalAmount + internalAdjustment + approvedOwnerChanges |
26 | projected_cost | number | | For budget - it is equal to originalCommitment + approvedChangeOrders + pendingChangeOrders + reserves. For contract - it is equal to awarded + approvedChangeOrders + pendingChangeOrders + reserves |
27 | projected_budget | number | | revised + pending_owner_changes |
28 | forecast_final_cost | number | | projectedCost + adjustmentsTotal |
29 | forecast_variance | number | | projectedBudget - forecastFinalCost |
30 | forecast_cost_complete | number | | forecastFinalCost - actualCost |
31 | variance_total | number | | Variance of a budget - equals projectedBudget - projectedCost |
32 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the item was created. |
33 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the item was last updated. |
34 | original_contracted | number | | The original amount contracted to the supplier. |
35 | compounded | string | | A JSON string contains a collection of customized column values. |
36 | integration_state | string | | A field indicate the record integration status, possible values: "integrated", "locked", "failed", null |
37 | integration_state_changed_by | string | | The integration user who changed the integration state |
38 | integration_state_changed_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the integration state changed |
39 | external_id | string | | The ID of the entity in external system. |
40 | external_system | string | | The name of the external system. |
41 | message | string | | The comment added by the integration. |
42 | last_sync_time | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp of last time when the sync happened between cost management and external system |
43 | pending_internal_budget_transfer | number | | pending transfers between budgets |
44 | pending_internal_budget_transfer_qty | number | | pending transfers qty between budgets |
45 | pending_internal_budget_transfer_input_qty | number | | pending transfers input qty between budgets |
Relationship between Change Orders and Cost Items.
1 | change_order_id | string: UUID | | The change order ID for this cost item Foreign Key: Table: change_orders Column: id |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | cost_item_id | string: UUID | | System ID of a Cost Item |
Custom properties for a Change Order
1 | change_order_id | string: UUID | | The change order ID for this custom property Foreign Key: Table: change_orders Column: id |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | name | string | | Name of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
5 | built_in | boolean | | A flag to indicate whether this is a pre-defined attribute or not. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
6 | position | number | | The order of the custom attribute displayed in the BIM 360 Cost Management. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
7 | property_definition_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the custom attribute definition. |
8 | type | string | | The type of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
9 | value | string | | The value of the custom attribute. |
Change Orders as defined in BIM 360
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of a Change Order - auto generated. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | number | string | Max length: 255 | System generated sequence. |
5 | name | string | Max length: 1024 | Name of a Change Order |
6 | description | string | Max length: 2048 | Detail description of a Change Order. |
7 | creator_id | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
8 | owner_id | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
9 | changed_by | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
10 | contract_id | string: UUID | | ID of the Contract that the budget is awarded to. |
11 | form_type | string | Possible Values:
| Type of this change order: pco, rfq, rco, oco, sco |
12 | markup_formula_id | string: UUID | | ID of Markup formula applied to this Change Order. |
13 | applied_by | string | | The user id who applied markups to this Change Order. The id is a project user from BIM 360 Admin |
14 | applied_at | timestamp: SQL | | The time when the markup is applied. |
15 | budget_status | string | | The status of a PCO - RCO and OCO: PCO: [draft - open - submitted - accepted - approved - executed - rejected] RCO: [draft - open - submitted - accepted - rejected] - OCO: [draft - open - submitted - approved - executed - rejected]. Empty for RFQ - SCO The status of the change order should not be updated directly - but triggered by the action that will perform on it. |
16 | cost_status | string | | The cost status of a PCO - RCO and OCO: PCO: [draft - open - pricing - proposed - approved - executed - rejected] RFQ: [draft - open - pricing - proposed - rejected] SCO: [draft - open - sent - executed] Empty for RCO - OCO The status of the change order should not be updated directly - but triggered by the action that will perform on it. |
17 | scope_of_work | string | | Draftjs formatted rich text( |
18 | note | string | | Draftjs formatted rich text( |
19 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the item was created. |
20 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the item was last updated. |
21 | type | string | | Customized type of the change order, e.g. Back Change, Budget Transfer, Owner Change Order, Owner Directive... |
22 | schedule_change | number | | The schedule change of this change order. |
23 | integration_state | string | | A field indicate the record integration status, possible values: "integrated", "locked", "failed", null |
24 | integration_state_changed_by | string | | The integration user who changed the integration state |
25 | integration_state_changed_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the integration state changed |
26 | external_id | string | | The ID of the entity in external system. |
27 | external_system | string | | The name of the external system. |
28 | message | string | | The comment added by the integration. |
29 | last_sync_time | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp of last time when the sync happened between cost management and external system |
30 | proposed_revised_completion_date | timestamp: SQL | | the proposed revised completion date |
31 | source_type | string | | the source type of change order |
32 | approved_at | timestamp: SQL | | the approved date |
33 | status_changed_at | timestamp: SQL | | the status change date |
34 | main_contract_id | string: UUID | | the main contract id |
Custom properties for a Contract
1 | contract_id | string: UUID | | The contract ID for this custom property Foreign Key: Table: contracts Column: id |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | name | string | | Name of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
5 | built_in | boolean | | A flag to indicate whether this is a pre-defined attribute or not. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
6 | position | number | | The order of the custom attribute displayed in the BIM 360 Cost Management. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
7 | property_definition_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the custom attribute definition. |
8 | type | string | | The type of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
9 | value | string | | The value of the custom attribute. |
Supplier Contract defined in the project.
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of the Contract. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | code | string | Max length: 255 | Human readable code of the Contract. |
5 | name | string | Max length: 1024 | Name of the Contract. |
6 | description | string | Max length: 2048 | Detail description of a Contract |
7 | company_id | string | | Id of a supplier company managed by BIM 360 Admin |
8 | type | string | | Type of the contract - e.g. consultant - purchase order - which is customizable by Project Admin. |
9 | contact_id | string | | Autodesk User ID for the default contact of the supplier - referring to an id of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
10 | creator_id | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
11 | signed_by | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
12 | owner_id | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
13 | changed_by | string | | Autodesk User ID id of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
14 | status | string | | The status of this contract - status includes [draft - closed - open - executed - sent]. |
15 | awarded | number | | Amount of the original Contract |
16 | original_budget | number | | Original amount of budgets associated to this Contract. |
17 | internal_adjustment | number | | Internal transfers of budgets associated to this Contract. |
18 | approved_owner_changes | number | | Changes approved by Owner. |
19 | pending_owner_changes | number | | Changes pending approval from Owner. |
20 | approved_change_orders | number | | Total of changes committed to Supplier. |
21 | approved_in_scope_change_orders | number | | Total of in-scope changes committed to Supplier. |
22 | pending_change_orders | number | | Total of changes not committed. |
23 | reserves | number | | Total of changes under estimating. |
24 | actual_cost | number | | Total of actual cost. |
25 | uncommitted | number | | The amount that has been approved by owner but not committed to Supplier: approvedOwnerChanges - (approvedChangeOrders - approvedInScopeChangeOrders) |
26 | revised | number | | Total of the approved budget from owner - equals originalAmount + internalAdjustment + approvedOwnerChanges |
27 | projected_cost | number | | For budget - it is equal to originalCommitment + approvedChangeOrders + pendingChangeOrders + reserves. For contract - it is equal to awarded + approvedChangeOrders + pendingChangeOrders + reserves |
28 | projected_budget | number | | revised + pending_owner_changes |
29 | forecast_final_cost | number | | projectedCost + adjustmentsTotal |
30 | forecast_variance | number | | projectedBudget - forecastFinalCost |
31 | forecast_cost_complete | number | | forecastFinalCost - actualCost |
32 | variance_total | number | | Variance of a budget - equals projectedBudget - projectedCost |
33 | awarded_at | timestamp: SQL | | The time when the Contract is awarded. |
34 | status_changed_at | timestamp: SQL | | The last time when the status is updated. |
35 | sent_at | timestamp: SQL | | The time when the Contract is sent to the Supplier. |
36 | responded_at | timestamp: SQL | | The time when the Supplier responds. |
37 | returned_at | timestamp: SQL | | The time when the Contract is signed and returned. |
38 | onsite_at | timestamp: SQL | | The time when the Supplier on-site to the job. |
39 | offsite_at | timestamp: SQL | | The time when the Supplier completes the job. |
40 | procured_at | timestamp: SQL | | The time for Purchase Order. |
41 | approved_at | timestamp: SQL | | The time when the Contract is approved. |
42 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the item was created. |
43 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the item was last updated. |
44 | scope_of_work | string | | Draftjs formatted rich text( |
45 | note | string | | Draftjs formatted rich text( |
46 | adjustments_total | number | | Total of all the actual cost adjustments. |
47 | executed_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the item was executed. |
48 | currency | string | | The code of the currency specified for the contract if it's awarded in a foreign currency. |
49 | exchange_rate | number | | The exchange rate for the specified currency, applied as a multiplier of the contract's base currency. For example, 1 base currency = 0.7455 foreign currency. |
50 | integration_state | string | | A field indicate the record integration status, possible values: "integrated", "locked", "failed", null |
51 | integration_state_changed_by | string | | The integration user who changed the integration state |
52 | integration_state_changed_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the integration state changed |
53 | external_id | string | | The ID of the entity in external system. |
54 | external_system | string | | The name of the external system. |
55 | message | string | | The comment added by the integration. |
56 | last_sync_time | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp of last time when the sync happened between cost management and external system |
57 | pending_internal_budget_transfer | number | | Pending transfers of budgets associated to this Contract |
Custom properties for a Cost Item
1 | cost_item_id | string: UUID | | The cost_item ID for this custom property Foreign Key: Table: cost_items Column: id |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | name | string | | Name of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
5 | built_in | boolean | | A flag to indicate whether this is a pre-defined attribute or not. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
6 | position | number | | The order of the custom attribute displayed in the BIM 360 Cost Management. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
7 | property_definition_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the custom attribute definition. |
8 | type | string | | The type of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
9 | value | string | | The value of the custom attribute. |
Cost items
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of a Cost Item. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | number | string | | System generated sequence number. |
5 | name | string | Max length: 255 | Name of a Cost Item. |
6 | description | string | | Detail description of a Cost Item. |
7 | budget_id | string: UUID | | The contract ID for this adjustment entry Foreign Key: Table: budgets Column: id |
8 | budget_status | string | | The budget status of a Cost Item: [draft - open - submitted - accepted - approved - executed - rejected]. The status of the cost item should not be updated directly - but controlled by the change order containing it. |
9 | cost_status | string | | The cost status of a Cost Item: [draft - open - pricing - proposed - approved - executed - rejected]. The status of the cost item should not be updated directly - but controlled by the change order containing it. |
10 | scope | enum: string | | Scope of a Cost Item. Possible values: out - in - tbd |
11 | type | enum: string | | regular is the default type and markup is generated against Markup Formula Possible values: regular - markup |
12 | estimated | number | | Rough estimation of this item without quotation. |
13 | proposed | number | | Quotated cost of the item. |
14 | submitted | number | | Amount sent to Owner for approval. |
15 | approved | number | | Amount approved by Owner. |
16 | committed | number | | Amount committed to the Supplier. |
17 | scope_of_work | string | | Draftjs formatted rich text( |
18 | note | string | | Draftjs formatted rich text( |
19 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the item was created. |
20 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the item was last updated. |
21 | schedule_change | number | | The schedule change days |
Budget Payment Items as defined in BIM 360
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of a payment item - auto generated. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | payment_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the payment that the item is in. |
5 | parent_id | string: UUID | | The parend item ID if current item is a child. |
6 | number | string | Max length: 1024 | Number of an budget payment item. |
7 | name | string | Max length: 1024 | Name of a budget payment item. |
8 | description | string | Max length: 2048 | Detail description of a budget payment item. |
9 | unit | string | | The unit of measure of the payment item. |
10 | original_amount | number | | The amount of the scheduled of value. |
11 | original_qty | number | | The quantity of the scheduled of value. |
12 | original_unit_price | number | | The unit price of the scheduled of value. |
13 | amount | number | | The amount of work completed for this scheduled of value. |
14 | unit_price | number | | The unit price of work completed for this scheduled of value. |
15 | qty | number | | The quantity of work completed for this scheduled of value. |
16 | materials_on_store | number | | The amount on store quanity for this schedule of value. |
17 | materials_on_store_qty | number | | The quantity on store quanity for this schedule of value. |
18 | materials_on_store_unit_price | number | | The unit price on store quanity for this schedule of value. |
19 | previous_amount | number | | The previous amount of work completed. |
20 | previous_qty | number | | The previous quantity of work completed. |
21 | previous_unit_price | number | | The unit price of previous work complete. |
22 | previous_materials_on_store | number | | The material on store of previus period. |
23 | completed_work_retention_percent | number | | The retention % of work complete. |
24 | materials_on_store_retention_percent | number | | The retention % of material on store. |
25 | completed_work_released | number | | The released amount for work completed in this period. |
26 | materials_on_store_released | number | | The released amount for material on store in this period. |
27 | net_amount | number | | The net amount: work completed + material on store - retention + release. |
28 | status | string | | The status of the the payment item. |
29 | creator_id | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
30 | changed_by | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
31 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment item is created. |
32 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment item is last modified. |
Custom properties for a Cost Payment
1 | cost_payment_id | string: UUID | | The cost ID for this custom property Foreign Key: Table: cost_payments Column: id |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | name | string | | Name of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
5 | built_in | boolean | | A flag to indicate whether this is a pre-defined attribute or not. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
6 | position | number | | The order of the custom attribute displayed in the BIM 360 Cost Management. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
7 | property_definition_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the custom attribute definition. |
8 | type | string | | The type of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
9 | value | string | | The value of the custom attribute. |
Cost Payment as defined in BIM 360
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of a budget payment - auto generated. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | contract_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the supplier contract the payment is pursuant to. |
5 | start_date | timestamp: SQL | | The start date of the payment billing period. |
6 | end_date | timestamp: SQL | | The end date of the payment billing period. |
7 | due_date | timestamp: SQL | Max length: 255 | The due date of the payment. |
8 | number | string | Max length: 1024 | Number of a payment. |
9 | name | string | Max length: 1024 | Name of a payment. |
10 | description | string | Max length: 2048 | Detail description of a payment. |
11 | original_amount | number | | The origianl contracted amount of th |
12 | amount | number | | Work completed of this period of the payment. |
13 | previous_amount | number | | Total of work completed of before this billing period. |
14 | materials_on_store | number | | Material on site of this billing period. |
15 | previous_materials_on_store | number | | Material on site of the previous billing period. |
16 | approved_change_orders | number | | The total of approved change orders. |
17 | contract_amount | number | | The current total of the contracted amount: orginal_amount + approved_change_orders |
18 | completed_work_retention | number | | Total of the retention for total work complete. |
19 | materials_on_store_retention | number | | Total of the retention for material on site |
20 | net_amount | number | | Net amount of current work completed + material on site - retentions. |
21 | paid_amount | number | | The amount paid by owner. |
22 | status | string | | The status of the budget payment. |
23 | company_id | string | | The Autodesk ID of the supplier company. |
24 | payment_type | string | | How is the expense paid, e.g. Cash, Check, Electronic Transfer |
25 | payment_reference | string | | The reference info how the expense is paid. |
26 | creator_id | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
27 | changed_by | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
28 | contact_id | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
29 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment is created. |
30 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment is last modified. |
31 | approved_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment is approved. |
32 | paid_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment is paid. |
33 | submitted_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the payment is submitted. |
34 | note | string | | The additinal note of the payment. |
35 | materials_billed | number | | The amount of the materials billed in this period. |
36 | materials_retention | number | | The percentage of the retention for the materials billed. |
37 | integration_state | string | | A field indicate the record integration status, possible values: "integrated", "locked", "failed", null |
38 | integration_state_changed_by | string | | The integration user who changed the integration state |
39 | integration_state_changed_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the integration state changed |
40 | external_id | string | | The ID of the entity in external system. |
41 | external_system | string | | The name of the external system. |
42 | message | string | | The comment added by the integration. |
43 | last_sync_time | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp of last time when the sync happened between cost management and external system |
The period data for a distribution item's curve
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of the distribution item curve - auto generated. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data. |
4 | distribution_item_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the distribution item. |
5 | actual_total | number | | The actual total amount for this distribution curve. |
6 | distribution_total | number | | The total distributed amount for this distribution curve. |
7 | curve | string | Max length: 255 | Distribution curve. Possible values are "revisedBudget", "workCompleted", "actualCost", "forecastFinalCost", "projectedBudget", "revisedCost". |
8 | periods | string | | The JSON object that contains the periods of the distribution item curve. The key is period, value is amount. |
Distribution items as defined in BIM 360
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of the distribution item - auto generated. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data. |
4 | budget_id | string | | The ID of budgets associated with this distribution item. |
5 | association_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the entity which the distribution item is associated to. |
6 | association_type | string | Max length: 255 | The type of the entity which the distribution item is associated to. |
7 | number | string | Max length: 1024 | The number of the distribution item. |
8 | name | string | Max length: 1024 | The name of the distribution item. |
9 | status | string | Max length: 64 | The status of the distribution item. |
10 | due_date | timestamp: SQL | | The due date of the distribution item. |
11 | company_id | string: UUID | | The Autodesk ID of the owner company. |
12 | contact_id | string | Max length: 128 | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin. |
13 | creator_id | string | Max length: 128 | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin. |
14 | changed_by | string | Max length: 128 | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin. |
15 | submitted_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the distribution item is submitted. |
16 | accepted_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the distribution item is accepted. |
17 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the distribution item is created. |
18 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the distribution item is updated. |
Expense items as defined in BIM 360
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of an expense detail item - auto generated. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | expense_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the expense the item is in. |
5 | budget_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the budget. |
6 | contract_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the contract. |
7 | number | string | Max length: 255 | System generated sequence. |
8 | name | string | Max length: 1024 | Name of an Expense |
9 | description | string | Max length: 2048 | Detail description of an expense |
10 | unit | string | | The unit of measure of the expense item. |
11 | unit_price | number | | The price of the item. |
12 | quantity | number | | The quantity of the item. |
13 | amount | number | | The amount of the item. |
14 | tax | number | | The tax amount of the item. |
15 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the expens item is created. |
16 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the expens item is last modified. |
Custom properties for an Expense
1 | expense_id | string: UUID | | The expense ID for this custom property Foreign Key: Table: expenses Column: id |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | name | string | | Name of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
5 | built_in | boolean | | A flag to indicate whether this is a pre-defined attribute or not. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
6 | position | number | | The order of the custom attribute displayed in the BIM 360 Cost Management. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
7 | property_definition_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the custom attribute definition. |
8 | type | string | | The type of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
9 | value | string | | The value of the custom attribute. |
Expenses as defined in BIM 360
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of an Expense - auto generated. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | number | string | Max length: 255 | System generated sequence. |
5 | name | string | Max length: 1024 | Name of an Expense |
6 | description | string | Max length: 2048 | Detail description of an expense |
7 | creator_id | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
8 | changed_by | string | | Autodesk User ID of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
9 | supplier_id | string | | Autodesk group ID of the supplier company |
10 | supplier_name | string | | The name of the supplier company. |
11 | amount | number | | The total amount of the expense. |
12 | paid_amount | number | | The total paid amount of the expense. |
13 | status | string | | The stauts of the expense. |
14 | type | string | | The type of the expense. |
15 | payment_type | string | | How is the expense paid, e.g. Cash, Check, Electronic Transfer |
16 | payment_reference | string | | The reference info how the expense is paid. |
17 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the expense is created. |
18 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the expense is last modified. |
19 | issued_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the expense is issued. |
20 | received_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the expense is recieved. |
21 | approved_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the expense is approved. |
22 | paid_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the expense is paid. |
23 | reference_number | string | | The references to the expense, e.g. the invoice number. |
24 | integration_state | string | | A field indicate the record integration status, possible values: "integrated", "locked", "failed", null |
25 | integration_state_changed_by | string | | The integration user who changed the integration state |
26 | integration_state_changed_at | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp when the integration state changed |
27 | external_id | string | | The ID of the entity in external system. |
28 | external_system | string | | The name of the external system. |
29 | message | string | | The comment added by the integration. |
30 | last_sync_time | timestamp: SQL | | The timestamp of last time when the sync happened between cost management and external system |
Main contract items in cost management
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of a main contract item |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | main_contract_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the main contract the item belongs |
5 | budget_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the budget |
6 | parent_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the parent of the item |
7 | code | string | | The code of the item |
8 | name | string | | The name of the item |
9 | description | string | | The description of the item |
10 | qty | number | | The quantity of the item |
11 | unit_price | number | | The unit price of the item |
12 | unit | string | | The unit of the item |
13 | amount | number | | The amount of the item |
14 | changed_by | string | | The ID of the one changed the item |
15 | is_private | boolean | | The flag to indicate whether the item is hidden to owners. |
16 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the item is created |
17 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the item is last modified |
Custom properties for a Main Contract
1 | main_contract_id | string: UUID | | The main contract ID for this custom property Foreign Key: Table: main_contracts Column: id |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | name | string | | Name of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
5 | built_in | boolean | | A flag to indicate whether this is a pre-defined attribute or not. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
6 | position | number | | The order of the custom attribute displayed in the BIM 360 Cost Management. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
7 | property_definition_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the custom attribute definition. |
8 | type | string | | The type of the custom attribute. Inherited from the custom attribute definition. |
9 | value | string | | The value of the custom attribute. |
The main or owner contracts of the project.
1 | id | string: UUID | | The uniq ID of the approval workflow. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | code | string | | The code of the main contract. |
5 | name | string | | The name of the main contract. |
6 | description | string | | The description of the main contract. |
7 | type | string | | The type of the main contract. |
8 | status | string | | The status of the main contract. |
9 | amount | number | | The total amount of the main contract. |
10 | retention_cap | number | | The max retention of % of main contract sum to date. |
11 | contact_id | string | | Autodesk User ID for the default contact of the main contract - referring to an id of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
12 | creator_id | string | | Autodesk User ID for the user who created the main contract - referring to an id of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
13 | owner_id | string | | Autodesk User ID for the user who will pay the main contract - referring to an id of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
14 | changed_by | string | | Autodesk User ID for the user who made the last change - referring to an id of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
15 | scope_of_work | string | | The scope of the work of the main contract. |
16 | note | string | | The note of the work of the main contract. |
17 | start_date | timestamp: SQL | | The start date of the main contract. |
18 | executed_date | timestamp: SQL | | The execute date of the main contract. |
19 | planned_completion_date | timestamp: SQL | | The planned completion date of the main contract. |
20 | actual_completion_date | timestamp: SQL | | The actual completion date of the main contract. |
21 | close_date | timestamp: SQL | | The closed date of the main contract. |
22 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the item is created. |
23 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the item is last modified. |
24 | revised_completion_date | timestamp: SQL | | The revised completion date |
25 | schedule_change | number | | The days that the schedule was impacted by changes. |
Payment references used by Budget Payment, Cost Payment and Expense in Cost Management
1 | id | string: UUID | | The ID of the payment reference. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | amount | number | | The amount being paid. |
5 | type | string | | The payment method, e.g. cash, check. |
6 | reference | string | | The reference/note to the payment, e.g. check NO. |
7 | paid_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the Payment or Expense is paid. |
8 | association_id | string: UUID | | The ID of the Payment or Expense the payment reference associated to. |
9 | association_type | string | | The type of the payment reference is associated to: Expense or Payment. |
10 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the item is created. |
11 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the item is last modified. |
Permission in cost management
1 | id | string: UUID | | The ID of the permission. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data |
4 | policy_id | string: UUID | | The related policy in ACM. |
5 | subject_id | string | | Autodesk ID for the user or user group who will be applied this permission - referring to an id of a user or user group managed by BIM 360 Admin |
6 | subject_type | string | | The type of the subject, possible values: User, Company, Role. |
7 | permission_level | string | | The permission level, possible values:fullControl, viewAll, collaborate, collaborateCreate, noAccess. |
8 | resource_type | string | | The resource of permission. |
9 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the item is created. |
10 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the item is last modified. |
Sub distribution items in cost management
1 | id | string: UUID | | Unique identifier of this sub distribution item. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data. |
4 | distribution_item_id | string: UUID | | The ID of distribution item. |
5 | association_id | string | | The ID of the entity which the sub distribution item is associated to. |
6 | association_type | string | Max length: 255 | The type of the entity which the sub distribution item is associated to. |
7 | number | string | Max length: 1024 | The number of the sub distribution item. |
8 | name | string | Max length: 1024 | The name of the sub distribution item. |
9 | start_date | date: string | | The planned start day of this sub distribution item. |
10 | end_date | date: string | | The planned end day of this sub distribution item. |
11 | actual_total | number | | The actual total amount to be distributed. |
12 | distribution_total | number | | The total distributed amount for this sub distribution item. |
13 | type | string | Max length: 255 | The type of this sub distribution item. |
14 | curve | string | Max length: 255 | Distribution curve. Possible values are "revisedBudget", "workCompleted", "actualCost", "forecastFinalCost", "projectedBudget", "revisedCost". |
15 | periods | string | | The JSON object that contains the periods of this sub distribution items. The key is period, value is amount. |
16 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the sub distribution item is created. |
17 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the sub distribution item is deleted. |
Budget transference details in cost management
1 | id | string: UUID | | The Id of the budget transfer details. |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | Added for project scoping of issues data. |
4 | budget_id | string: UUID | | The budget id where it transfers from |
5 | relating_budget_id | string: UUID | | The relating budget id where it transfers to |
6 | contract_id | string: UUID | | The contract id of the budget where it transfers from |
7 | relating_contract_id | string: UUID | | The relating contract id of the budget where it transfers to |
8 | transaction_id | string: UUID | | The transaction Id of the transference |
9 | amount | number | | The amount of the budget transfer |
10 | unit_price | number | | The unit price of the budget transfer |
11 | qty | number | | The QTY of the budget transfer |
12 | input_qty | number | | The input QTY of the budget transfer |
13 | relating_unit_price | number | | The relating unit price of the budget transfer |
14 | relating_qty | number | | The relating QTY of the budget transfer |
15 | relating_input_qty | number | | The relating input QTY of the budget transfer |
16 | creator_id | string | | Autodesk User ID for the user who created the main contract - referring to an id of a user managed by BIM 360 Admin |
17 | note | string | | The notes about the budget transfer when creating |
18 | main_contract_id | string: UUID | | The main contract Id that the budget associated where it transfer out |
19 | created_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the budget transfer is created. |
20 | updated_at | timestamp: SQL | | The date/time the budget transfer is updated. |