clashes_v2 Schema Description

Documentation Updated: 2024-09-27


Group of clashes, manually classified as an issue
1clash_group_idstring: UUIDUnique ID of the assigned clash group
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4issue_idstring: UUIDIssue Id associated with the clash clash group
5titlestring: nullName of the issue
6descriptionstring: nullDescription of the purpose of the issue
7type_idstring: nullUnique identifier of the type of the issue
8statusstring: nullPossible Values:
  • open
  • work_completed
  • ready_to_inspect
  • not_approved
  • in_dispute
  • closed
  • void
  • answered
  • draft
  • pending
  • in_progress
  • completed
  • in_review
Unique identifier of the current status of the issue
9clash_test_idstring: UUIDUnique id of the clash test
10model_set_idstring: UUIDA coordination space ID uniquely identifies combinations of models in a clash group, like 'scope 1' for models A & B, and 'scope 2' for models A & C.
11created_at_model_set_versionnumberA coordination space version number uniquely identifies varying model combinations in a clash group. For instance, 'scope version 1' could represent models A v1 & B v1, while 'scope version 2' may denote models A v1 & B v2.
12created_ontimestamp: SQLDate and time the clash group was marked as an issue
13created_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who marked the clash group as an issue.


List of clash ids, associated with a clash group
1clash_group_idstring: UUIDId of the issue clash group
2clash_idnumberId of the clash associated with the clash group, corresponding with the clash ID field in the clash result resources available via the API (see API documentation for more details).
3bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
4bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.


Clash Tests run by the user
1clash_test_idstring: UUIDId of the clash test
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4model_set_idstring: UUIDA coordination space ID uniquely identifies combinations of models in a clash test, like 'scope 1' for models A & B, and 'scope 2' for models A & C.
5model_set_versionnumberA coordination space version ID uniquely identifies varying model combinations in a clash test. For instance, 'scope version 1' could represent models A v1 & B v1, while 'scope version 2' may denote models A v1 & B v2.
6root_folder_urnstringUnique Resource Name of the clash test root folder
7started_ontimestamp: SQLDate and time the clash job started (UTC)
8completed_ontimestamp: SQLDate and time the clash job finished (UTC)
9statusstringPossible Values:
  • Pending
  • Processing
  • Success
  • Failed
The status of the clash test; Pending, Processing, Success, Failed
10backend_typenumberPossible Values:
  • 0 (V1)
  • 1 (V2)
The type of the coordination space; Projects created before November 2022 will be 0 = V1, after will be 1 = V2. Refer to Coordination Space Versions in Model Coordination help files for further information.


Group of clashes, manually classified as not-an-issue
1clash_group_idstring: UUIDUnique ID of the clash group classified as not-an-issue
2bim360_account_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
3bim360_project_idstring: UUIDBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
4reasonstringReason why the clash group was marked as not-an-issue
5titlestringTitle of the closed clash group classified as not-an-issue
6descriptionstringDescription of the closed clash group
7clash_test_idstring: UUIDUnique id of the clash test
8model_set_idstring: UUIDA coordination space ID uniquely identifies combinations of models in a clash group classified as not-an-issue, like 'scope 1' for models A & B, and 'scope 2' for models A & C.
9created_at_model_set_versionnumberA coordination space version number uniquely identifies varying model combinations in a classified as not-an-issue. For instance, 'scope version 1' could represent models A v1 & B v1, while 'scope version 2' may denote models A v1 & B v2.
10created_ontimestamp: SQLDate and time the clash group was marked as not-an-issue
11created_bystringAutodesk ID of the user who marked the clash group as not-an-issue.