clashes_v2 Schema Description
Documentation Updated: 2024-09-27
Group of clashes, manually classified as an issue
1 | clash_group_id | string: UUID | | Unique ID of the assigned clash group |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Project ID. |
4 | issue_id | string: UUID | | Issue Id associated with the clash clash group |
5 | title | string: null | | Name of the issue |
6 | description | string: null | | Description of the purpose of the issue |
7 | type_id | string: null | | Unique identifier of the type of the issue |
8 | status | string: null | Possible Values:
- open
- work_completed
- ready_to_inspect
- not_approved
- in_dispute
- closed
- void
- answered
- draft
- pending
- in_progress
- completed
- in_review
| Unique identifier of the current status of the issue |
9 | clash_test_id | string: UUID | | Unique id of the clash test |
10 | model_set_id | string: UUID | | A coordination space ID uniquely identifies combinations of models in a clash group, like 'scope 1' for models A & B, and 'scope 2' for models A & C. |
11 | created_at_model_set_version | number | | A coordination space version number uniquely identifies varying model combinations in a clash group. For instance, 'scope version 1' could represent models A v1 & B v1, while 'scope version 2' may denote models A v1 & B v2. |
12 | created_on | timestamp: SQL | | Date and time the clash group was marked as an issue |
13 | created_by | string | | Autodesk ID of the user who marked the clash group as an issue. |
List of clash ids, associated with a clash group
1 | clash_group_id | string: UUID | | Id of the issue clash group |
2 | clash_id | number | | Id of the clash associated with the clash group, corresponding with the clash ID field in the clash result resources available via the API (see API documentation for more details). |
3 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
4 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Project ID. |
Clash Tests run by the user
1 | clash_test_id | string: UUID | | Id of the clash test |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Project ID. |
4 | model_set_id | string: UUID | | A coordination space ID uniquely identifies combinations of models in a clash test, like 'scope 1' for models A & B, and 'scope 2' for models A & C. |
5 | model_set_version | number | | A coordination space version ID uniquely identifies varying model combinations in a clash test. For instance, 'scope version 1' could represent models A v1 & B v1, while 'scope version 2' may denote models A v1 & B v2. |
6 | root_folder_urn | string | | Unique Resource Name of the clash test root folder |
7 | started_on | timestamp: SQL | | Date and time the clash job started (UTC) |
8 | completed_on | timestamp: SQL | | Date and time the clash job finished (UTC) |
9 | status | string | Possible Values:
- Pending
- Processing
- Success
- Failed
| The status of the clash test; Pending, Processing, Success, Failed |
10 | backend_type | number | Possible Values:
| The type of the coordination space; Projects created before November 2022 will be 0 = V1, after will be 1 = V2. Refer to Coordination Space Versions in Model Coordination help files for further information. |
Group of clashes, manually classified as not-an-issue
1 | clash_group_id | string: UUID | | Unique ID of the clash group classified as not-an-issue |
2 | bim360_account_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
3 | bim360_project_id | string: UUID | | BIM 360 HQ Project ID. |
4 | reason | string | | Reason why the clash group was marked as not-an-issue |
5 | title | string | | Title of the closed clash group classified as not-an-issue |
6 | description | string | | Description of the closed clash group |
7 | clash_test_id | string: UUID | | Unique id of the clash test |
8 | model_set_id | string: UUID | | A coordination space ID uniquely identifies combinations of models in a clash group classified as not-an-issue, like 'scope 1' for models A & B, and 'scope 2' for models A & C. |
9 | created_at_model_set_version | number | | A coordination space version number uniquely identifies varying model combinations in a classified as not-an-issue. For instance, 'scope version 1' could represent models A v1 & B v1, while 'scope version 2' may denote models A v1 & B v2. |
10 | created_on | timestamp: SQL | | Date and time the clash group was marked as not-an-issue |
11 | created_by | string | | Autodesk ID of the user who marked the clash group as not-an-issue. |