activity_id | Activity ID for this event |
bim360_account_id | BIM 360 HQ Account ID. |
bim360_project_id | BIM 360 HQ Project ID. |
created_by | Autodesk ID of the user performing the activity action |
created_at | The timestamp when the activity created |
activity_verb | Activity performed by the user |
object_body | Body of the comment |
object_display_name | The display name of the entity |
object_id | id of the entity |
object_item_assigned_to_field | Indicator which field is ball in court |
object_item_ball_in_court_type | Indicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, reviewer, subcontractor] |
object_item_custom_identifier | The custom identifier of the item. |
object_item_custom_identifier_sort | Same value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value. |
object_item_description | Description of the item |
object_item_display_name | The display name of the entity |
object_item_id | The ID for the Submittal. |
object_item_identifier | Identifier of the item. Created automatically |
object_item_lead_time | item's lead time |
object_item_object_type | The object type of the entity [e.g.: item] |
object_item_priority | The item priority |
object_item_required_approval_date | item's required approval date |
object_item_required_date | item's required date |
object_item_required_on_job_date | Date and time for the item to be done on site |
object_item_response_comment | Response comment of the item (in addition to response id) |
object_item_response_id | ID of the response, if was added. |
object_item_revision | Revision of the item |
object_item_state_id | State of the item |
object_item_status_id | Status ID |
object_item_submitter_due_date | When the responsible contractor submission is due |
object_item_subsection | Sub spec section |
object_item_title | Title (name) of the item |
object_item_type_id | ID for the item type |
object_object_type | The object type of the entity [e.g.: comment] |
target_assigned_to_display_name | The display name of the entity |
target_assigned_to_human_readable_company | Human readable company name of the assignee (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead) |
target_assigned_to_human_readable_name | Human readable name of the assignee (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead) |
target_assigned_to_id | The id of the assignee (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead) |
target_assigned_to_object_type | The object type of the entity [e.g.: User] |
target_assigned_to_autodesk_id | The id of the assignee (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead) |
target_assigned_to_roles | The array of related roles (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead) |
target_assigned_to_field | Indicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead) |
target_ball_in_court_type | Indicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, reviewer, subcontractor] |
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_type | Project current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2] |
target_container_display_name | The display name of the entity |
target_container_id | ID of the container |
target_container_object_type | The object type of the entity [e.g.: container] |
target_custom_identifier | The custom identifier of the item. |
target_custom_identifier_sort | Same value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value. |
target_description | Description of the item |
target_display_name | The display name of the entity |
target_id | ID of the target |
target_identifier | Identifier of the target |
target_lead_time | item's lead time |
target_object_type | The object type of the entity [e.g.: item] |
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_type | Project current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2] |
target_package_container_display_name | The display name of the entity |
target_package_container_id | Id of the container |
target_package_container_object_type | The object type of the entity [e.g.: container] |
target_package_display_name | The display name of the entity |
target_package_id | Id of the package |
target_package_identifier | Identifier of the package |
target_package_is_deleted | is the package deleted |
target_package_object_type | The object type of the entity [e.g.: package] |
target_package_spec_display_name | The display name of the entity |
target_package_spec_id | Related spec id of the package |
target_package_spec_identifier | Related spec identifier of the package |
target_package_spec_object_type | The object type of the entity [e.g.: spec] |
target_priority | The priority of the item |
target_required_approval_date | item's required approval date |
target_required_date | item's required date |
target_required_on_job_date | Date and time for the item to be done on site |
target_response_comment | Response comment of the item (in addition to response id) |
target_response_id | ID of the response, if was added. |
target_revision | Revision of the item |
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_type | Project current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2] |
target_spec_container_display_name | The display name of the entity |
target_spec_container_id | Id of the container |
target_spec_container_object_type | The object type of the entity [e.g.: container] |
target_spec_display_name | The display name of the entity |
target_spec_id | Id of the spec |
target_spec_identifier | Identifier of the spec |
target_spec_object_type | The object type of the entity [e.g.: spec] |
target_state_id | State of the item |
target_status_id | Status ID |
target_submitter_due_date | When the responsible contractor submission is due |
target_subsection | Sub spec section |
target_title | Title (name) of the item |
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_type | Project current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2] |
target_type_container_display_name | The display name of the entity |
target_type_container_id | ID of the container |
target_type_container_object_type | The object type of the entity [e.g.: container] |
target_type_display_name | The display name of the entity |
target_type_id | ID for the type |
target_type_object_type | The object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type] |
target_type_platform_id | For default types |
target_type_value | Value of the type |
target_type_identifier | Identifier of the target |