Activities Data Set Verb Descriptions: Submittals

The Activities data set is more complex than the average ACC Data Schema data set due to the variable nature of payloads associated with the various "Activity Verbs" which define the particular activity taken in the system. For the Activities schema, there are several tables defined (one for each service) and for each of these table definitions, there are common columns and then many unique columns based on the particular service. The common columns included for all tables are: After these standard columns there are many service specific columns for the table definition. Columns may or many not contain data depending on the Activity Verb in question. The following summary details the particular columns applicable for an Activity Verb. Also, for certain Activity Verbs there are Related Tables (in a SQL relational sense) that can be associated with the verb. These tables use the activity_id as the foreign key for lookups and when there is an applicable foreign table, they are noted in the details below.

This description information is also made available programatically in the format of JSON files (one for each Activities table) in the "schemas" directory as part of every extract archive. The naming convention for this file is:

The description file is an array of JSON objects with two primary fields: The following is an example JSON snippet from the Docs description file.
   "activate-approval-workflow" : {
      "columns" : [
   "add-attribute-to-namingstandard" : {
      "columns" : [
      "related_tables" : [

Activity Verbs

Now that we have reviewed the data description for Activities data, the following is a detailed summary of 16 Activity Verbs for the Submittals Schema along with their relevant columns and any related tables.
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_attachment_categoryID of the attachment category
object_created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_item_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_item_idThe ID for the Submittal.
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: attachment]
object_revisionRevision of the item
object_urnURN of the attachment
object_urn_typeThe type of the urn [e.g.: DM]
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, reviewer, subcontractor]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_response_idID of the response, if was added.
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_bodyBody of the comment
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_item_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court
object_item_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, reviewer, subcontractor]
object_item_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
object_item_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
object_item_descriptionDescription of the item
object_item_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_item_idThe ID for the Submittal.
object_item_identifierIdentifier of the item. Created automatically
object_item_lead_timeitem's lead time
object_item_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
object_item_priorityThe item priority
object_item_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
object_item_required_dateitem's required date
object_item_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
object_item_response_commentResponse comment of the item (in addition to response id)
object_item_response_idID of the response, if was added.
object_item_revisionRevision of the item
object_item_state_idState of the item
object_item_status_idStatus ID
object_item_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
object_item_subsectionSub spec section
object_item_titleTitle (name) of the item
object_item_type_idID for the item type
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: comment]
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, reviewer, subcontractor]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_response_commentResponse comment of the item (in addition to response id)
target_response_idID of the response, if was added.
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_created_onThe timestamp when the activity created
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_entities_0_created_onThe timestamp when the activity created
object_entities_0_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_entities_0_domainThe domain of the entity
object_entities_0_idID of the entity
object_entities_0_typetype of the entity [e.g.: activity, asset, documentlineage, form, issue, pco, photo, rfi, sheetlineage, submittalitem, thread]
object_entities_1_created_onThe timestamp when the activity created
object_entities_1_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_entities_1_domainThe domain of the entity
object_entities_1_idid of the entity
object_entities_1_typetype of the entity [e.g.: activity, asset, documentlineage, form, issue, pco, photo, rfi, sheetlineage, submittalitem, thread]
object_entities_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_entities_idid of the entity
object_idid of the entity
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, reviewer, subcontractor]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_response_commentResponse comment of the item (in addition to response id)
target_response_idID of the response, if was added.
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_new_valueThe new value
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: attribute_change]
object_old_valueThe old value
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, reviewer, subcontractor]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_response_commentResponse comment of the item (in addition to response id)
target_response_idID of the response, if was added.
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_new_valueThe new value
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: attribute_change]
object_old_valueThe old value
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: subcontractor]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_response_commentResponse comment of the item (in addition to response id)
target_response_idID of the response, if was added.
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_new_valueThe new value
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: attribute_change]
object_step_idID of the parent step
object_step_numberThe order of the step in the review workflow
object_task_idID of the task
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: reviewer]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_new_valueThe new value
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: attribute_change]
object_old_valueThe old value
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: subcontractor]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_attribute_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: entity]
object_attribute_typeThe type of the attribute [e.g.: list]
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_new_valueThe new value
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: attribute_change]
object_old_valueThe old value
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, reviewer, subcontractor]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_response_commentResponse comment of the item (in addition to response id)
target_response_idID of the response, if was added.
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_attribute_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_new_valueThe new value
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: attribute_change]
object_old_valueThe old value
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, reviewer, subcontractor]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_response_idID of the response, if was added.
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_attribute_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_new_valueThe new value
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: attribute_change]
object_old_valueThe old value
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, reviewer, subcontractor]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_response_commentResponse comment of the item (in addition to response id)
target_response_idID of the response, if was added.
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_name_for_activityThe name of the activity
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: workflow_transition]
object_state_from_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_state_from_idThe old state of the item
object_state_from_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: workflow_state]
object_state_to_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_state_to_idThe new state of the item
object_state_to_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: workflow_state]
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, reviewer, subcontractor]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_response_commentResponse comment of the item (in addition to response id)
target_response_idID of the response, if was added.
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
object_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, subcontractor]
object_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
object_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_container_idID of the container
object_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
object_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
object_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
object_descriptionDescription of the item
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_identifieridentifier of the entity
object_lead_timeitem's lead time
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
object_packageThe related package of the item
object_priorityThe priority of the item
object_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
object_required_dateitem's required date
object_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
object_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
object_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_spec_container_idId of the container
object_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
object_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_spec_idid of the spec
object_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
object_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
object_state_idState of the item
object_status_idStatus ID
object_stepsArray of steps
object_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
object_subsectionSub spec section
object_tasksArray of tasks
object_titleTitle (name) of the item
object_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
object_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_type_container_idId of the container
object_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
object_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_type_idID for the type
object_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
object_type_platform_idFor default types
object_type_valueValue of the type
object_type_identifierIdentifier of the type
object_watchersWatchers array
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_attachment_categoryID of the attachment category
object_created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_item_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_item_idThe ID for the Submittal.
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: attachment]
object_revisionRevision of the item
object_urnURN of the attachment
object_urn_typeThe type of the urn [e.g.: DM]
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, reviewer, subcontractor]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_response_commentResponse comment of the item (in addition to response id)
target_response_idID of the response, if was added.
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_entity_created_onThe timestamp when the activity created
object_entity_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_entity_domainThe domain of the entity
object_entity_idid of the entity
object_entity_typetype of the entity [e.g.: documentlineage, form, meetingitem, package, photo, rfi, sheetlineage, submittalitem]
object_idid of the entity
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: manager, reviewer, subcontractor]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_response_commentResponse comment of the item (in addition to response id)
target_response_idID of the response, if was added.
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_new_valueThe new value
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: attribute_change]
object_old_valueThe old value
object_step_idID of the parent step
object_step_numberThe order of the step in the review workflow
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: reviewer]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target
activity_idActivity ID for this event
bim360_account_idBIM 360 HQ Account ID.
bim360_project_idBIM 360 HQ Project ID.
created_byAutodesk ID of the user performing the activity action
created_atThe timestamp when the activity created
activity_verbActivity performed by the user
object_display_nameThe display name of the entity
object_idid of the entity
object_new_valueThe new value
object_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: attribute_change]
object_step_idID of the parent step
object_step_numberThe order of the step in the review workflow
object_task_idID of the task
target_assigned_to_fieldIndicator which field is ball in court (Deprecated field, use ball in court fields instead)
target_ball_in_court_typeIndicator which field is ball in court [e.g.: reviewer]
target_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_container_idID of the container
target_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_custom_identifierThe custom identifier of the item.
target_custom_identifier_sortSame value as 'custom_identifier' but this column has db collation in order to enable sorting by the custom identifier value.
target_descriptionDescription of the item
target_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_idID of the target
target_identifierIdentifier of the target
target_lead_timeitem's lead time
target_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item]
target_package_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_package_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_container_idId of the container
target_package_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_package_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_idId of the package
target_package_identifierIdentifier of the package
target_package_is_deletedis the package deleted
target_package_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: package]
target_package_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_package_spec_idRelated spec id of the package
target_package_spec_identifierRelated spec identifier of the package
target_package_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_priorityThe priority of the item
target_required_approval_dateitem's required approval date
target_required_dateitem's required date
target_required_on_job_dateDate and time for the item to be done on site
target_revisionRevision of the item
target_spec_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_spec_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_container_idId of the container
target_spec_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_spec_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_spec_idId of the spec
target_spec_identifierIdentifier of the spec
target_spec_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: spec]
target_state_idState of the item
target_status_idStatus ID
target_submitter_due_dateWhen the responsible contractor submission is due
target_subsectionSub spec section
target_titleTitle (name) of the item
target_type_container_custom_identifier_sequence_typeProject current sequence type [e.g.: 1, 2]
target_type_container_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_container_idID of the container
target_type_container_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: container]
target_type_display_nameThe display name of the entity
target_type_idID for the type
target_type_object_typeThe object type of the entity [e.g.: item-type]
target_type_platform_idFor default types
target_type_valueValue of the type
target_type_identifierIdentifier of the target